With summer vacation finally over, Mikan transferred into Shamiko’s and Momo’s school. However, Mikan’s curse eventually catches up to her at the worst possible time.
As expected, while Shamiko seems excited to have Mikan in her class, she looks worried. After all, Mikan doesn’t want her curse to spontaneously activate during her introduction.

Thankfully, it went out with a hitch as Mikan mentioned that she is a magical girl and can position her side-tail at will. It’s thanks to the support Shamiko gave to her. After all, she cheered her on with a “citrus” fan. It’s funny to see Momo chastising Shamiko for messing around with her rod, although it’s for a good cause.

Also, Shion gives a strange drink she made from that gem Shamiko found. As for what it does, well, it stabilizes Momo’s Darkness Peach form, so it doesn’t use up all her magical power. It’s obvious what form Momo will use by default now that there are no downsides. This should make Shamiko happy when the time comes. Also, Shamiko revealed to Mikan that Anri carted her to the entrance ceremony. Yes, Shamiko was that weak until her inner demon awakened.

Mikan also tries to figure out what association to join. Still, she decides to help Anri out with the sports festival. Also, it’s funny how Momo spends her time playing with cats. This is not too surprising since she is a cat lover. I guess she will end up helping Anri and Mikan along with Shamiko. After all, she wants to spend time with her beloved instead of feeling left out at home.

The next day, Shamiko, Mikan, and Momo help the first-year students set up the equipment. It seems that Shamiko didn’t do much compared to Mikan and Momo. However, she ate a melon pan after realizing she would make the event too easy. I must admit those taste good. Momo helps with sewing and painting.

When Mikan helped the girls test an event, one of the girls bumped into her and Mikan fell. Mikan’s curse activated, and Momo stepped in to protect the girls. It’s a close call as Mikan didn’t hurt anyone, although she ruined the sign. Sadly, Shamiko doesn’t have the power to use her wand to fix the poster, making her feel disappointed. Hopefully, one day, she can use her magical powers in the real world.

Also, Mikan feels down that she starts to avoid everyone. She is afraid of hurting the people that she cares about the most. She even thought about running away, which would probably not resolve anything. Thankfully, Shamiko has the same thought as Momo about dealing with the demon inside Mikan. It’s nice that Shamiko cares about her friends, or rather “her minions,” that she will provide the benefits. From this, is she an employer now? What will happen if Momo and Mikan decide to unionize? I doubt this would happen since Momo and Mikan are on friendly terms with her.
Yes, Lilith finally reveals the demon inside Mikan is Ugallu, one of Mesopotamia’s beasts. Sadly, it’s probably just an incomplete version that takes advantage of Mikan’s magic. Given that Shamiko has the power to enter a person’s consciousness, she puts it to good use to resolve Mikan’s curse.

At last, Momo tags along, too, as she uses the strange drink so she can use her Darkness Peach form safely to accompany Shamiko. I find it funny how Shamiko becomes hyped to see Momo’s Darkness Peach form again. The question is, is talking to Ugallu enough to resolve Mikan’s curse? We’ll have to wait and find out in the finale.
Momo was clearly jelly of Shamiko’s Mikan fan.
Interesting having Mikan’s dilemma be the final challenge of the season. Interested to meet this demon who cursed our lovable citrus all this time.
I guess Momo is regretting doubting the idol Uchiwa that Shamiko transform her rod to, but it’s still the funniest though.
It should be interesting to see the demon inside of Mikan. My guess is that it will be cute or a troublemaker.