If the last scene of the previous episode showed what is to come, it becomes obvious here as Kotone finds Fa missing. Not only that, but she is in the news in a photo at the site of the dragon attack, and she becomes very anxious that Rakira and Rufuria notice.
As expected, a mysterious witch named Selenia awakened a red dragon. Fa was acting weird when we saw her facing off the red dragon in a small moment. Oddly enough, her voice is different when Fa is in a trance.

When Kotone wakes up, she notices that Fa is missing. Yep, her worst fears have become true as she sees an open window. When Kotone got to the RPG Real Estate office, she put on a fake smile and accidentally put on her vest backward. I must admit that this was funny, although I felt bad for her. After all, Fa is everything to her.
Eventually, Kotone admits that Fa went missing to Rufuria and Rakira. She doesn’t know where she went, although she hid the truth. Of course, they noticed that Kotone acted strangely, although Rufuria and Rakira reminded her she could share her worries. Kotone’s worries worsen as she can’t ask Satona about Fa. I am wondering, why did Satona put Fa in the RPG Real Estate? There must be a good reason, after all.

Kotone’s opportunity to reach her monthly goal has finally come. A tanned elf named Isana is looking for a new house. The reason, well, someone blew it down with a sneeze. Not too surprising since it’s a shabby-looking cabin that looks dilapidated but managed to stay up for over 280 years. Yep, she received a referral from that cat that owns the hot spring inn from last time. It’s good to know that he threw the girls a bone after the deal fell through.

Thankfully, Isana works as a historian at the castle, so she makes the big bucks. This made Rufuria feel a bit jealous. While she also mentions the fashion trends, I find it funny how Rakira says that Isana has no hope of her body developing any further. After all, Isana is over 840 years old, apparently with an appearance of a teenager.
Either way, Kotone finds a place and hands the listing to Rufuria while acting weirdly. Kotone is out of it without Fa. Thankfully, when they showed the home to her, she went back to her usual self.

Apparently, Isana likes the place in the World Tree. Sadly, Kotone reverted to her unenthusiastic self as they finally made the goal. You would think this news would excite Kotone, but Fa is the only thing she can think about. That is before she started crying.

While Rakira ensures that they will look for Fa after work, Kotone asks about her to Isana. The only information she can provide is that Fa might be related to the demon lord since it fits a similar description. However, the demon lord, a woman who can transform into a white dragon, is much older, unless she is like Mao and her real form, a child. Isana thinks this relates to the dragon attacks, although Kotone won’t believe it.

Sadly, when Kotone splits off with Rufuria and Rakira, they see a photo in the newspaper spotting Fa near the attack site. This is terrible news as Fa might be the culprit. Kotone finds Fa near the apartment building as she wakes up. Kotone cooks dinner for her as she receives a phone call from Rufuria. I find it funny how she denies that Fa is with her and tells her to take a bath while she finishes her dinner.

As Fa is in the bath, Kotone tries to plan her escape with Fa. I find it funny how Kotone tries to run away with Fa to keep her safe. Also, I find it funny how Kotone tries to find a thing to hide Fa in. Sadly, Rakira and Rufuria saw through Kotone’s lies as Fa found out what happened to her. Still, Kotone insists that Rufuria is making this up from a health condition as she is in her denial stage about Fa.

Before we know it, knights storm in as Serah and Mona decide to detain Fa. After all, Isana reported Fa to the authorities. Yes, Kotone’s fears become true as Fa is willing to turn herself in. After all, Mona finds it strange that Fa managed to fill the magic meter by just herself.

Sadly, Kotone, Rakira, and Rufuria can’t do anything since their powers are no match against Mona. Either way, Kotone feels depressed as her fears come true, as she starts crying. That is until she realizes something that Fa always connected to people to make them happy. With that, she didn’t give up hope.

Yep, it’s evident that Fa isn’t the dragon that attacked the town. That is when the red dragon appeared that attacked the caravan. Yep, she was happy that she is not the cause as Toto with her Pegasus with Kotone rescues her. It makes sense why Satona would take her in as someone might be after Fa. Also, that song that Fa likes mentions a white dragon, which makes it evident that it’s not her. Still, I wonder why Selenia awakens the dragon as the real fight begins. This should give us some clues about Fa’s origins as well.
The only puzzle piece missing is whether Fa is the reincarnation of the Demon Lord or not. All signs point to that being the case.
Kotone is a fantastic protagonist. Something I should have made clear more often.
Pumped for the confrontation with the dragon and possibly mastermind.
Could be a possibility. Satona probably knows since she found her after all.
Agreed, probably has to do with how Kotone cries, but it’s not too surprising given her personality and resourcefulness. Hopefully, we learn more about Selenia’s intensions.