Now that Menou dresses up to attend Manon’s party, Momo decides to sneak in and finds some shocking discoveries about the Monstrine.
As expected, Akari is obviously sticking like a sore thumb trying to pretend to be Menou. It’s not too surprising since she is wearing Menou’s outfit, but she is standing out too much. It’s risky given that Manon will think that Menou is Flarette, the one she is looking for. Eventually, Menou tells her to behave as she sneaks out and infiltrates the castle for some clues.

Of course, since Ashuna received an invitation, she eventually detected Menou. Given her fighting spirit, she challenges her to a fight. The funny thing is that Menou managed to make a park on Ashuna before making her escape. Of course, Ashuna used her powerful fire sword attack, which failed to land on Menou since she used a gale attack to distract her. Shortly after, Menou disappeared. I guess Menou now knows why Momo finds Ashuna a nuisance.
The frames ended up becoming a tower and caught Akari’s attention. She turns into her alternate personality as she becomes perplexed by this. After all, the flames from Ashuna’s sword going upwards looks like the light she saw in the Pandemonium.

Shortly afterward, Akari realizes that her previous experiences will not help her now as some force changes the timeline. She believes that someone is causing things to change, but what is it? Not to mention, she meets Manon in person for the first time. Of course, Manon realizes that Akari is not a priest but an Otherworlder. Furthermore, Manon feels resentful that she doesn’t have Pure Concept powers like Akari. Either way, she spares her as Akari decides to sneak off to find more answers about this new timeline. Menou is not going to like that.

On the other hand, Momo managed to torture one of the fourths and threatened the lady. Despite the lady having a gun, it’s useless against Momo’s barrier. Momo got all the transaction data and went to the chamber and found an Iron Maiden that had the smell of blood. It’s not an ordinary one as the contraption is creating Monstrine.

Momo opens it and finds a little girl. She tries to save her but gets one of the spikes stuck into part of her body. It has poison too. What Momo did is risky, given that the girl is probably the Pandemonium, and she can simply regenerate her body. Thankfully, Menou rescued Momo after she received a communication from her. Sadly, when she got back to meet up with Akari, she was not there.

While it’s sad that Momo injured herself, she will be okay as she recovers in the church with nurses caring for her. Thankfully, the poison is slow-moving, and her ether is holding up fine, so Momo will make a full recovery. Still, Momo probably liked Menou giving her a head pat, although she can’t express her love for Menou given her circumstances. Yes, the poison barbs and how she uses the little girl to create the drug show how much of a psychopath Manon is. Not too surprising since she would think that Menou will go and save this little girl and die a slow and painful death.

Now that Menou has all the information behind Manon’s Monstrine operation, she asks Pastor Sicilia for help. Yes, Sicilia seems surprised that Menou trusts her and asks for help. After all, she received harsh words from Menou’s predecessor, Flare. However, I guess Menou sees nothing suspicious from Sicilia, unlike Orwell, so she is willing to do this.

Either way, the Fourth is screwed as the knights close off Libelle Island and want them to surrender. The council is, of course, panicking, but when Manon comes in, she notices the council frozen in time. That is until Akari comes out. Yes, it seems risky, but I guess we’ll find out more about Manon’s intentions. Either way, Manon is screwed, although she can probably use the Monstrine to create some monsters as a last-ditch effort.
Looks like the time paradoxes started catching up with Future Akari. At least the loops helped her master her magic so she isn’t defenseless.
Nice taste of what Ashuna vs Menou would be like. No need to see them go all out since they’re heroines. Save their energy for the baddies.
Vengeance for Momo!
At least it’s somewhat useful, although this timeline is obviously different. But it’s good to see Menou find out first hand why Momo doesn’t like Ashuna.
Hopefully Manon will get what she deserves, soon.