While it seems that Fa is having an easy time, it seems that Kotone’s client scolded her for showing a certain house. Also, Kotone pays a visit to her parents and brought Fa along.

In the first half, I find it not too surprising that Fa is having an easy time closing deals. Kotone is having trouble with renting out a particular house. When Kotone, Fa, Rufuria, and Rakira checked it out, it looks like a fun house with doors that lead to nowhere and traps. It kind of reminds me of a typical Pokémon Gym. Yep, the living room was fake, and after Fa sits on the chair, she finds herself in a dark room. I find it funny how Rakira bribes Rufuria with her cooking and it worked. Rufuria ends up opening a door, which leads to a backyard.

As expected, Fa saves the day once again. The funny thing is that she accidentally sets the house on fire to lit up a room. Rakira ends up having to break the door to save her while some witches put out the fire. Yep, Kotone was crying that she made a big mess in the house. I guess she is afraid of Satona punishing her or worse, losing her job.

As expected, Kotone notices a whole that leads to an underground bunker filled with treasure. It looks like the thieves rearranged the house without permission to hide their art smuggling treasure and art. Looks like they couldn’t take the art out through the well. As expected, Serah and Mona are happy that Kotone found the discovery.
Thankfully, Kotone didn’t receive any punishment since the landlord needs to remodel anyway. Still, it’s funny how Kotone praises Serah even though she is the one that usually messes up. At least the landlord now has money to rebuild.

As expected, Kotone is studying hard after a big win. After Fa said that she will support her, Kotone wants to kiss her on the cheek. Yep, Fa rejects, which disappoints her. Still, it’s obvious how much Kotone likes Fa so much that her little sisters’ notices. More on that later.

In the second half, Rufuria and Rakira notices that Kotone is working so hard. With that, they allow her to go on vacation. With that, Kotone wants to visit her parents and Fa decides to tag along. She did, although she complains about the trip being long. Of course, she meets Kotone’s family Griffin named Momo. Yep, given that Fa can translate what it says, it was happy to see Kotone again.

As expected, Kotone and Fa arrive at her home. Yep, her little sisters, Tsuzumi and Hibiki didn’t give Kotone a warm welcome as they avoided her hug. Yep, they think Kotone’s job fired her or something. Also, when Kotone introduced Fa to them, they seem really jelly. That becomes very apparent when Fa reveals everything about Kotone.
During dinner, Kotone reveals that Fa can understand everyone. Apparently, Tsuzumi and Hibiki wants Fa to get moonlight grass so they can make a pendent. Obviously, their parents are against it although Fa is willing to do it. Kotone doesn’t want her to do it, but Fa sneaks out and does it anyway. That is while Tsuzumi and Hibiki becoming upset over Kotone preferring Fa over them. I guess they don’t know the reason why, until she snuck out.

When they saw Fa sneak out with Momo, they felt guilty. They followed her and saw Fa sleeping near the moonlight grass. Apparently, one needs to pick it before the sun rises. Yep, a scary Minotaur appears. Thankfully, Fa revealed that it’s harmless, although adventurers captured his family. With that, Tsuzumi and Hibiki decides to become friends with it and have tea with him someday. Yep, it looks like they eventually furfill the promise.

In the end, Tsuzumi and Hibiki finally finds out why Kotone treats Fa so well. Yep, she is kind as she is willing to get them the moonlight grass for treating her to dinner. Either way, it ends well as they made the pendent. Of course, they sang that song that Fa seems to like.

Aside from that Rufuria and Rakira is happy to see Fa and Kotone fully refreshed. Either way, it’s nice to see more bonding moments with Kotone and Fa. Hopefully now, Tsuzumi and Hibiki will treat her older sister well now that they have competition to win her attention.
Fa’s bilingual ability truly is wonderful. An inspiration to linguists.
RakiRufi never cease to bless the world with their love life.
Kotone’s sisters made sure the wait for their debut was worth it. Their initial jealousy toward Fa was delightful. I predict they’ll begrudgingly give their blessings when she marries their beloved onee-chan.
For sure, especially with 10+ years trying to learn Japanese and still struggling with Kanji. Still working on that part.
Rakira and Rufuria moments are always cute and I suppose Rufuria can’t say no when it comes to food.
I guess Kotone’s sisters feeling jealous is bound to happen given how they treat their older sister, but hopefully now, maybe they will be a bit kinder.