With Orwell defeated and Menou receiving a new set of scriptures, she starts her pilgrimage with Akari tagging along. Their destination is the port city of, which is near a disaster site of one of the Major Human Errors.
Sure, Orwell’s plan was a disaster, Menou now realizes the time she went back in time. That is when she saw Akari in that classroom. during that vision, she gained her trust. Now that Menou knows that she is the only one that can kill Akari, she continues her journey with her. Believe it or not, the acting archbishop gave her a new set of scriptures. Either way, she is back in business.

Before they set out to their destination, Akari read the words by the gate. Yep, it seems that Menou likes those words as it represents the spirit of pilgrimage. Either way, I find it funny how Akari is in high spirits when she accompanied Menou. The funny part is that Akari seems tired after two weeks of walking. As expected, Akari doesn’t seem to remember the first 16 years of her life. Obviously, she now focuses her attention on Menou.

Before long, they are at the Port City of Libelle. While it looks like a paradise, there is that ominous fog. Menou remembers that time when she arrives that the city, Flare mentions what lies in the fog. Yes, it’s one of the Major Human Errors, the Pandemonium. You might be wondering, what is it? Well, we’ll eventually find out and the answer may lie in that castle. Yes, the castle where Count Libelle is. They can’t go in there without special permission.

After Menou did her business at the local church there, they splurged. Yes, they went to a public bath. This is not what you call a luxurious pastime, but at least it’s something. Akari seems to enjoy it.

As expected, Menou left the bath to talk with Momo. I find it funny how Momo trapped Ashuna, which she doesn’t like in the dungeon. Yep, she stuck her tongue at her before closing the entrance, which I find hilarious. Still, it’s obvious that Ashuna has some kind of attraction to Momo, not matter if she wants it or not.

Obviously, Momo seems to enjoy her time with Menou as she shares some information about the Fourth, which are basically terrorists. They have a grudge against Flare, thus Menou too. Either way, she plans to investigate them. Of course, when Akari went into the room after Momo hid, she becomes miserable. She believes that Menou is slowly questioning over ability to carry on the mission. After all, she is afraid that Menou might be falling for Akari.

The next day, Menou and Akari went out on the boat to see the castle from afar. Menou had Akari take some pill as she takes an inflatable boat, put Akari on it and see what happens. That is while she heads into the fog to see what happen.

Sadly, Menou’s attempt to get rid of Akari by having her go through the fog that goes only one way didn’t quite work. Getting rid of Akari this way feels a bit too easy. As expected, Akari’s pure concept activated inside the Pandemonium as her alternative personality takes hold. Of course, she saw a light before reviving right next to Menou. Yep, that attempt was a failure and Menou kind of felt bad about doing this. At least she came back.
Meanwhile, inside the castle, we see the Count’s daughter, Manon. Yep, she appeared at the beginning of the episode as she finds a little girl singing. She had a meeting with the members of the Fourth. Yep, they seem afraid of Menou since she Flare’s successor. They want Manon’s thought on the matters. We find out that Flare killed her mother when she was a child. I wonder, why Flare decided to kill her mother?

At the end of the episode, Manon leads a little girl we saw at the beach to a contraption. Yes, it’s an execution chamber. The person enters and when the door shuts, the victim dies from the spikes. This makes me wonder if this little girl is the actual Pandemonium. Still, I wonder why she does this. I guess there is more to the Pandemonium that we don’t know about and Manon’s motives to doing this. I guess we’ll find out soon.
Sooner or later Menou will stop trying to get Akari killed. Until then Future Akari will help out her past self though looks like she may not be as much in control as she thinks.
Hang in there Ashuna. One day Momo will hopefully understand you’re trying to free her from third wheel Hell.
Interested to find out what the deal is with the iron maiden blood ritual.
At this point, trying to kill Akari is like trying to throw stuff at a wall and see what sticks. I guess after this, Menou will probably give up on doing this, especially how bad she felt doing it.
I guess it’s only a matter of time, although it’s obvious that Momo is not giving up Menou without a fight with Akari.