It looks like the fake dragon was a red herring. To be expected since the dragon is a large but disappears after attacking a village. Understandably, Kotone is worried that it might be Fa. Meanwhile, Kotone, Fa, Rakira, and Rufuria has some work to do as Serah expects another bail out.
From last time, Kotone seems worried about Fa given some hints from the Dango monster. The fact that the Dark Lord can understand non-human speech. Of course, Fa hid that aspect, which Kotone noticed and causes her anxieties. Moreover, Fa seems to wake up in strange places and only in her underwear. I guess this is probably why Kotone seems so worried that she wanted to sleep with Fa to make sure nothing happened to her.

As expected, when Kotone answered the phone at Fa’s place, Rufuria tells her that they need to show up at the castle. I find it funny how Kotone thinks she will be doing a show there. Yep, it’s obvious that Serah and Mona got themselves into another mess. That is after Kotone sees the stack of papers Rufuria has.
It’s obvious that the dragon attack on a village created a lot of refugees looking for another place to stay. I kind of expected that, but how did Serah mess up this time? Well, she misstated the capacity, which is not too surprising given her carelessness. With that, she expects Kotone and her friends to bail her out again. Yes, she is that scared of Setona punishing her. I find it funny how Rufuria and Kotone would rather see Serah receive a punishment than do the work.

As expected, Mona wondered if she saw Fa before. I guess she forgot about Fa, who saved their butt last time. Of course, Kotone tells her and Serah later that Setona raised her, and she works at RPG Real Estate. What is funny is that Serah wants to pay back the 50 gold she borrowed.
Of course, Mona complains about Serah being a dead beat. Sure, Serah’s debt snowball is growing, but probably not as much compared to Shamiko’s unpaid debt with Momo. Then again, Momo probably forgotten about it by now compared to Mona. Still, I must admit that I cannot get enough of this duo.

Thankfully, Kotone seems motivated to help these people. She hopes to buy her favorite food if she receives a bonus, a cake. Of course, Rakira wants some new equipment of course. Still, Kotone seems worried that the dragon might be Fa. She finds out from one of the victims that the dragon attacks the village and disappears.

Thankfully, thanks to Fa breaking up a fight with a humanlike-monster and an adventurer. As expected, Kotone panics while Rakira is eager to fight. Fa seems calm as she translated that the monster only wants to dig the ground. It reveals an underground shelter where there are several rooms. It’s obvious that Rakira noticed something strange about the rooms, as the kingdom used them as a prison perhaps. Even so, at least it will give a place for refugees to stay temporarily before they can find an actual place.

While Fa saved Mona’s and Serah’s butt again, Kotone believes her worries about Fa being a dragon might become overblown. Still, I find it funny how their reward is a special potion to restore their energy. Yep, Satona expects RPG Real Estate to work overtime.

Either way, Fa decides to sleep in Kotone’s room. That morning, Kotone seems that song that Fa seems to like. However, Kotone doesn’t seem to know the full lyrics. Of course, they have some significance to Fa, more on that later.
This time, a musician is that the RPG Real Estate office. Her name is Paula, and she is a bard. While her harp playing was nice, she had a loud voice that it broke the windows and Rakira almost passed out.

I must admit, she kind of reminds me of that Schifanoia, but her voice is even more terrifying and powerful. Paula reveals that she is an adventurer, and she used her voice as a weapon. That explains everything. Of course, she is looking for a place that is near her work while having the ability her to sing her heart out. I can see why she is looking for a new place. Her landlord probably kicked her out for causing a ruckus.

As expected, that job might be difficult considering how terrifying Paula’s voice is. Of course, Rakira knows a place, which is an empty castle occupied by the Grim Reaper. As expected, there are traps, but Paula can avoid them. Yep, she revealed her level was at 99 before she stopped counting. I can see why, and she probably did it in less time than Azusa did.

When the girls confront the reaper again, we find out he has no contract. He was simply squatting. Paula used her voice to entertain him. Instead, she scares the crap out the reaper. Of course, he ends up leaving in exchange of taking something from her. Yes, the part that made Paula’s singing a weapon. She now has a normal singing voice. I think this is a good thing for everyone’s sake.

In the end, with the reaper gone, it seems that Kotone and her friends found a place to both house Paula and the refugees. Paula sings that song, which mentions a white dragon and two moons. Is the white dragon referring to Fa? Not surprisingly, the song is titled Dragon’s Song (竜の歌、りゅうのうた), which makes it somewhat obvious. Also, we don’t know what the actual dragon looks like besides a terrifying outline of one. The mystery deepens. Either way, this can explain why Fa likes this song besides Kotone of course.
Either way, it seems that Kotone’s younger sisters finally make an appearance. I wonder how they will be like and how they will react to Kotone’s new friends/coworkers? We’ll see next time.

All KotoFa progress is much appreciated.
Fa can become a public speaker or human/non-human ambassador in the future.
Paula’s my favorite client thus far.
The Fa story continues to be intriguing.
Not too surprising, which can explain why Satona decided to take her in. It’s always nice to see more Kotone and Fa development given how much Rufuria and Rakira. But yes, the intrigue behind Fa is intriguing indeed, although I have a feeling that there are other dragons, perhaps red dragons that might be doing the attacks. We’ll find out soon.