While Rakira stays behind at the RPG Real Estate office, Kotone, Fa, and Rufuria goes on another assignment. Yes, to sell property around the Demon Lord’s castle, which is now an amusement park and its own town. Also, their boss finally meets Kotone.

At last, Kotone, Rufuria and Fa went out to meet Lady Satona, which is their boss that runs RPG Real Estate. I find it funny how Rufuria is so anxious meeting Satona that she puts on a lot of perfume. Yes, a bit too much that it grosses Fa out. Thankfully, Kotone cleaned it up.
Regardless, I can see why Rufuria is so nervous as she can’t deal with Fa’s desires not to wear clothes and having a hard time dressing her. I guess Satona wouldn’t be happy if Fa complained about this.

Of course, it seems that Raikara is busy at the office baking a pie. I can see why they have an oven at the real estate office. Raikara believes that baking will make her less of a tomboy.

Either way, when Kotone, Fa, and Rufuria arrives at the castle, they run into Satona. Yep, it’s not too surprising given how attractive she is. Either way, Satona is happy to see Fa, although I find it funny how she asks if Rufuria is getting along with Fa. As expected, Fa complained about Rufuria getting angry when she doesn’t wear clothes. While Rufuria denies it, it’s obvious that Fa and Flatorte would get along in that regard.

With that, Satona shows the properties that they need to sell. It involves a small cave, a well, and a scorched room It’s obvious that they will have a hard time to fill these properties as humans won’t necessarily like the state they are in. I find it funny how Rufuria has to deal with the onslaught of inquiries about these properties.

Either way, Kotone drinks some tea with Fa during the evening when a bunch of cute children furry creatures run in and their mother trying to control them. It seems that Fa managed to understand what their mother is saying. It seems that their current place doesn’t have enough room for all her children.

Yep, thanks to Fa being able to communicate with non-humans, she had a breakthrough. They showed the mother the cave with a lot of small holes, and it was the perfect place for them. Of course, thanks to Fa, they managed to find someone who wanted the two other properties as well. Still. It’s nice to see that Fa process herself useful, although Rufuria must deal with the annoying aspects of her.

In the second half, Kotone seems stumped with her assignment as the old lady has a dilemma. Since her husband passed away, she finds it difficult to live in a huge mansion all to herself. Still, she would like to stay if possible. It’s obvious that the lady likes patting Fa’s head since she is adorable. I find it funny how Fa tries to cheer Kotone by stretching out her face.

To distract Kotone from her worries, Rakira and Rufuria decides to throw a welcome party for Kotone with Fa coming along. I find it funny how Kotone is expecting a tower of champagne glasses with alcohol poured into them. It’s obvious that Kotone’s expectations are out of whack.
We do see a glimpse of their home or two-bedroom apartment/condo. It’s interesting to see Rufuria’s and Rakira’s rooms. They are the opposite of what they inspire to be. Rufuria wants to look cool while Rakira wants to become more feminine.

As expected, Rufuria’s room has cute aesthetic while Rakira’s has an armor, a dumbbell, and weapons on display. It’s hilarious how Rakira tries to make her weapons look cute, but Kotone sees through them. I find it hilarious how Kotone confuses whose bedrooms they belong to. Aside from that, we find out when Kotone changes outfits, the dress doesn’t fit her. It’s obvious that she is very busty. Of course, Satone is on the whole another level.
Aside from that, we see the girls eat dinner and drink alcohol. Yep, Fa got angry that she is not old enough and had to settle with milk. Kotone tries it and it seems that she doesn’t like the sensation. That is until Kotone puts honey into Fa’s milk, and she seem to like it.

I find it hilarious how Kotone compliments Rakira how she can handle alcohol well. She eventually finds out that this is not cute and pretends to become drunk. Of course, Kotone compliments Rakira on the food that she made a remark that Raikra will make a fine wife. From Rufuria’s saying that Rakira is hers makes it obvious that Rufuria and Raikara are in a relationship. Not too surprising by how close they were in the last episode, especially when they slept in the same bed one night.

After dinner, Rufuria was so drunk that Rakira must carry her to bed. While Kotone and Fa tool a bubble bath together, she comes up with a possible solution for that laby. Simply rent out the rooms and become a landlord. Thankfully, it worked out in the end.

As expected, Kotone shares her dream of getting a house and living in it with her friends. I guess that is a pipe dream given how expensive single-family houses are in real life. Then again, maybe they aren’t so ridiculously priced in the world they are in.
no imagenes of episode 2
It looks like WordPress messed up again and I didn’t upload the JPG versions of the screenshots. That is now fixed. Thanks.
Rufuria and Rakira had a historic moment in just a few seconds. Most excellent. Would be nice if Kotone and Fa hooked up too.
Lady Satona lives up to the praise Rufuria bestows upon her. She’s fantastic.
So glad we got another moe ecchi show. As cultured people we welcome more of them.
I guess the end of the first episode kind of made it obvious, but the jury is still out on Kotone and Fa of course.
Then again, it’s not too surprising since it’s a fantasy anime, and the mangaka is probably female judging from the name. Also, it’s not like it’s the first Manga Time Kirara show that has fanservice.