With AR15 kidnapping M4, what does she intend to do with her?
M4 appears unconscious as she sees a vision of a dream weaking up where she sees AR15 in a lab. Yes, it’s the similar flashback seen from the last time that M4 experienced. After telling what she saw in the previous dream, AR-15 asks who M4 is. Clearly, she becomes suspicious as it’s not really AR-15, but the Sangvis’s ringleader. M4 doesn’t know the answer since their memories are encrypted.

Either way, AR-15 still struggling to fight for control against the Parapulie virus placed in her. Of course, Alchemist decides to fight her head on while trapping the other Griffin T-dolls, making it hard for them to escape or get reinforcements.
Meanwhile, Gentiane seems hopeless as she made a big mistake. In other words, it’s painful for her to even think about since what happened last time was bad enough. Thankfully, the other commanders came in time to give her reinforcements to clear a safe path to the rescue helicopter.

When AR15 managed to get an aim on Alchemist, she appeared to miss. Thankfully, SOPII managed to take her down. AR15 eventually runs into M16 and hands her a data tape which contains the location of M4, and the data collected about Sangvis. She intends to sacrifice herself with the bombs to save everyone else.
Sure, this upsets SOPII and M16, but it’s not too surprising. After all, AR15 was the elite T-doll. Her dream is to complete a glorious mission and become a star. Sadly, she was forced into the AR Team, and she hated everyone on the team. Despite this, she decides to sacrifice herself in the end by activating the bomb with the so-called leader of Sangvis and Alchemist, who is still alive. That is while M4 wanting to save AR15 and SOPII and M16 running after her. Sadly, they are too late.

Is this really the end of AR15? Also, it appears that Parapulie is planted in another Griffin T-doll. I guess we haven’t seen the last of Sangvis despite sacrificing herself to defeat them. I felt that this is a disappointing and unsatisfying outcome.
Final Impressions
I must admit, covering Dolls’ Frontline was difficult. While the premise and story are interesting along with the fights, it’s obviously feels like an advertisement for the mobile game and perhaps the manga and still leaves some things unanswered in the anime. Not too surprising since the story is ongoing.
The ending felt unsatisfying and leaves more things unanswered on why the AR team is formed among other things. Not to mention, it seems that Sangvis is still alive despite AR15’s sacrifice. Was it really for nothing? Obviously, they left a cliffhanger, which gave me a lukewarm feeling.
Despite its flaws, I do like that they went with a female commander this time. Kalina is an enjoyable character, and the Griffin T-dolls are cute. Overall, while the premise is interesting, the execution is well, average at best compared to Azur Lane and Kantai Collection. Either way, this show feels glass half full and half empty, enjoyable but in other aspects, could have been done a bit better.
While I got the ending I was left feeling kinda empty. Not upset AR15 sacrificed herself “FOR FRIENDSHIP!”, just bummed.
Overall this was a solid “Girls With Guns” anime. I have seen better but I didn’t regret watching it. It’s no Upotte!! thankfully. That one sucked.
The thing is, nobody knows for sure if it’s actually for real looking at the game’s story. But still, it’s enjoyable although it could have been better at least.