As preparations are underway for the sports festival, Riona seems to have a problem concerning her figure as she practices tennis.

In the beginning of the episode, Erika finally gets a glimpse of Komichi’s summer uniform. Yep, it seems that Touko and Erika finds it cute. Of course, Komichi finds Touko’s and Erika school uniforms cute too. Of course, they aren’t going to wear it for long since they are going to prepare for the sports festival.

Eventually, Komichi, with Neko, Yasuko and Kei make pom poms out of those vinyl tape. I guess that is why they bought the tapes for. Of course, after Neko made two, she is seen sleeping.
Meanwhile, Erika walks with Riona as they head to the tennis court. Of course, Erika complimented on Riona’s looks, although she seems very conscious of her body. She doesn’t seem comfortable with her figure since she is somewhat plump. Her anxities will become more important later.

Meanwhile, Minoru practices a table tennis game with Tougeguchi. As expected, Akebi with the other members of her class’s cheer team do their routine. Of course, Tougeguchi finds it annoying and of course, they are out of sync. Thankfully, Tougeguchi shows a simpler routine and Akebi tried it. Overall, it looked a lot better. Of course, Akebi ends up cheering for Hebimori and Hotaru. As expected, Hotaru is as adorable as I expected.

While Komichi practices with the cheer team, Riona and Erika practices tennis. It seems that Riona is not in her game since she is messing up a lot. It’s mostly because she is worried about the area around her waist. Erika believes Riona’s skills are becoming rusty is because she grew, as in height. This causes her to become relieved. That is until the cheer team eventually came to cheer.

As expected, after seeing Komichi’s slim waist, she becomes self-conscious about her waist. This made Komichi believe that Rikona wants to try cheering. As expected, Rinoa’s cheer routines looked stiff since she is trying to hide her belly area. Yep, Kei apparently recorded it and it seems that Riona is super embarrassed. Of course, Neko, who was taking a nap seems to like how thick Riona’s thighs are and tries to say her face on it.

After Riona saw the video, she looks dumb as she realizes that being too self-conscious about her body made her look stiff. While she Is jealous towards Komichi having a slim figure, she eventually comes into terms showing her waist area. It was enough to get her back in the A-game when it comes to tennis. With that, it should be interesting to see how Komichi’s class do in the festival.
Riona shouldn’t be ashamed of her glorious thiccness but this is coming from a cultured bro so obviously it doesn’t hold much merit. Thankfully Komichi used her harem protag magic to save the day.
Regardless, it’s good that Riona got over self-esteem issues. Still, it’s good that Komichi gives her the push to get to that point.