After a hot summer, fall is finally here and Hiyori and Koharu wants to go camping with Koi. Of course, Koharu and Hiyori is at Koi’s house. I wonder why?
Koi of course is minding her own business looking at the moon. While she sips her cup of tea, she saw Koharu and Hiyori. I find it funny how it looks like if she is running away from home. Not too surprisingly, Koharu got into an argument with her dad. It’s apparent that as mentioned during the summer camping, Hiyori and Koharu wants to go camping during the fall. Well, this time with Koi only.

You might be wondering, why Koharu ran away from home with Hiyori. While their mother allowed them to do it, her dad, not so much. Given that Koharu caught a summer cold and had a fever, it’s obvious that their father will get worried, especially since they are camping without any adults. I expected this reaction from Koharu. She calls her father a blockhead. It’s kind of expected and Koharu acted like a child. Still, adding the fact that Koharu has Asthma, this does not make matters any better.

After Koi heard what happened, she thinks that Koharu handled it childishly. She also notices that Koi’s younger brother had a tan. Of course, he went camping with his friends. Before he went, he wrote up a plan and his parents approved it. Yep, Koharu and Hiyori should of took the advice from Shiburin when Nadeshiko wanted to try camping alone. They did just that and of course, their father eventually allowed them to do it. I find it cute how Koharu decided to prepare after her father approved her plan.

On the day of the camping trip, Hiyori, Koharu, and Koi walked a hiking trail. Yep, they saw the leaves starting to change color. As expected, when they got there and visit the cabin they are staying at, Koi decided to stay in the cabin. Yep, I guess hall that hiking tired her out.
As for fishing, Koharu and Hiyori are using salmon roe. Yep, I can relate to Koharu getting excited that goldfish laid eggs and see them disappear since they eat their eggs. During my childhood, my parents kept fish and of course, they laid eggs. Of course, they ate their young. It’s obvious that this fact disappoints Koharu. Apparently, she didn’t know that she had to separate them.

Eventually, Hiyori gave the egg shaped fly a try and she managed to catch one on the first try. As expected, Koharu struggled until she went by the waterfall, she managed to catch four. It’s obvious that Koharu is proud of her catch that she got. Koi met Koharu and she wondered why Koi is there since she doesn’t like fishing. Apparently, she still like people who fish because of how they react when it comes to their catch. Obviously, she doesn’t feel the same when it came to her dad for obvious reasons.

As expected, Koharu, Hiyori, and Koi ate their catch. Of course, Koharu came up with a dish that turned out well. Of course, they went to bed and Koharu couldn’t sleep. She notices Koi is still awake and tells a story about her father and Hiyori’s father about getting chased by a bear. As expected, this gives an unintended effect of keeping Koharu awake. The next morning, they had breakfast and went to a hot spring before going home. As expected, Koharu didn’t like how close Hiyori is being with Koi. Still, it’s a nice way to end off the camping trip.
Koharu’s traumatic experience with fish eggs was the best part of the episode.
Speaking of the episode this one made it clear we need a moe camping crossover special one day.
Yep, it’s a dogy-dog world out there, especially for fish fry, but it’s not too surprising to see her experience.
Maybe we’ll see that and Kirara Fantasia or something.