It’s hot and Hiyori and Koharu decides to take a challenge of catching the most difficult fish, the dorado.
As expected, it’s already summer and Hiyori and Koharu seems exhausted from the heat. I find Koi’s reaction to seeing Hiyori and Koharu come into Koi’s family fish supply shop funny. She doesn’t seem to like how they use her shop a place to cool off.

Still, I can see why Hiori and Koharu decided to head home since it’s too hot to fish in very hot weather. Thankfully, Koharu bribes Koi with some sweets and she took it. That is before Koi’s dad comes in and asks the girls if they want to go fishing.

As for this fishing trip, Ichika is tagging along with Koharu, Hiyori and Koi with her father. As expected, Koi dreads hanging out with bunch of fishing addicts. Of course, Futaba didn’t tag along since she had plans with her friends. Of course, Koi doesn’t seem happy that her father offered Hiyori an expensive rod.

As expected, he meant to give it to Hiyori’s father, but we know what happened. At least Hiyori got a nice rod to use this time. Also, I find it cute how Koharu takes pictures of Hiyori holding it.

This time, Hiyori, Koharu, and Ichika are trying to catch a dorado. Yes, it’s one of those colorful fish that is considered a luxury that hang out in the ocean. I find it funny how Koharu seems okay when they left but becomes seasick after they left shore. Yes, she even passes out after going inside. Thankfully, the boat is not as rough and Koharu seems alright again and doesn’t want to go back to shore. They see a school of flying fish. Of course, a wave splashes them with water at the least unexpected time.

Eventually, they arrive at the spot to fish for the dorado. Of course, they aren’t having much luck. Hiyori almost hooked one but pulled in the line too early. They tried again in a different spot. Somehow, Koharu manages to catch one after using some actual bait and giving up on fly fishing. It took her two tries, but her luck is pretty good. Sadly, Hiyori almost caught one, but it got away. It’s obvious that the actual bait won this time.

When they got back, I find it funny how Ichika and Hiyori seem disappointed that they couldn’t catch one. Of course, on the other side, Koharu caught one. Yep, it sums up how people feel after pulling a gacha and not getting the card you want while others have better luck.

With that, this leaves how they will eat the fish. When Ichika mentions there is bacteria on the skin, this worries Koharu. As expected, when Ichika mentions a special shop that can help them prepare the fish for a meal, Kaede, which is one of Ichika’s friends got a bad feeling of what to come.

Believe it or not, they are best friends. Sure, Kaede thinks she is only friends with Ichika since she is stuck with her, but it’s obvious that she has a special place in her heart for Kaede. Kaede prepared a nice meal with the dorado. Of course, it looks different when it’s dead, although it changes colors when it’s alive. I find it funny how Koharu thinks it’s different species when it’s not.
While the girls seem to enjoy the meal, we learn a bit about Kaede. Yep, she is a hunter, but she doesn’t do it now since hunting season is in the fall. Of course, she shows off a skin of a pheasant to them.

After the girls left, Ichika recalls that moment from summer camp after mentioning to Kaede that she warmed up to Koi, Koharu and Hiyori. Yes, the time that Kaede becomes scared the test of courage and tugged on Ichika’s shirt. Yep, it’s obvious that Kaede might have a thing for Ichika. Of course, she won’t admit it. It’s not too surprising since Ichika acts. Either way, it’s nice to see that there is another potential pairing besides Hiyori and Koharu.
Like Koharu I too struggled on a fishing through rough waters once. Almost got seasick.
Hiyori’s new rod is pretty cool.
Very glad to meet Ichika’s equally hot friend. Hopefully there’s much more to their relationship. If not they’re still sexy buddies.
Haven’t done fishing since my childhood, but I can understand the seasickness. Experienced it a few times.
Still, it’s nice to have another pairing besides Hiyori and Koharu. Ichika and Kaede is a nice pairing.