It seems that Druj seems to miss the old Jahy where she punishes her minions. Also, Jahy starts having trouble sleeping for some reason.

It seems that Druj yearns to be with Jahy like the good old days. Yes, she desires being abused by Jahy. This is when she looked through the closet for the best outfit that she thought about creating a clothing line brand. The funny thing is that Jahy doesn’t notice this despite being popular. Not too surprising since the clothing that Druj came up won’t fit on her child, so what was the point?
The next day, it seems that things are going well for Druj’s company. While it’s funny that all the workers enjoy working with Druj, she is missing something. After all, Druj is the most assimilated demon girl who gotten accustomed to human society. Regardless, she yearns to be with Jahy again. Yes, she skips out of a meeting to see her.

Yep, she went to the restaurant that Jahy works at, or rather own. When she saw Kyoko, it’s bad news. Kyoko rubs the fact she gets to be with Jahy since she works with her. Yep, Druj didn’t take that well until Kyoko messes up. Then she fears that Jahy lost her ways, causing her to lose hope. That is until Jahy scolds Kyoko. Of course, Druj spins it as Jahy torturing her through making her jealous. Jahy dodged the bullet this time, but it won’t be the last we will see Druj create a conflict with Kyoko.

Now that Jahy accomplished a lot lately, she is not getting much sleep. After all, she is using a worn-out futon that is dirty she received from Ryou. She decides to buy an expensive futon. Sure, Ryou thinks it’s a scam, until she slept in it. Jahy decides to get her out of the futon, until Jahy decides to lay down in it. Yep, she fell asleep until the Owner comes in her apartment.
We find out that the water is getting turned off for three days. The owner offered Jahy to have her stay at her place. Yep, she goes on how much Jahy defrosted since she came to the human world. I find it funny how the Owner and Owner imitates what Jahy said when she arrived.

Yep, the Owner eventually used Jahy as a dress up doll by having her wear various old child clothing she and Ryou had. Eventually, Jahy became frustrated that they are dressing her as a young girl. I have to admit that Jahy looked cute in some of the outfits she tried on.

The Owner offered to sleep on the same futon. Of course, Jahy finds out that this is a bad idea since the Owner kicks Jahy in her sleep. Ryou ends up sleeping on her own futon. It’s obvious that Jahy just wants to sleep in her own apartment knowing that the Owner sleeps like this. I won’t blame her either.

In the last segment, Sauvra continues her quest to defeat Jahy. The funny thing is that instead of doing terrible things, she ends up helping people. This of course catches the attention of the being of light that grants her special powers. Is this enough to defeat Jahy? Maybe not given Saurva’s track record so far.
Druj and her antics always get a chuckle from me. Her yearning to be punished is so funny but what made this particular scene so memorable is how Kyoko purposely shoves it in her face how she enjoyed to be dominated. There was a moment when I thought we would get a repeat of episode 16!
We do actually get an explanation for why Jahy cannot sleep well but when she went to the shops to go futon shopping, I expected her to get side-tracked or scammed. The landlady even suggested as much but then we get thrown for a loop when the pair sleep almost instantly on that new futon.
The staying at boss-san’s apartment was also kinda nice and as usual Jahy gets babied by the boss as she is dressed in all sorts of kid’s clothes. The fact Jahy doesn’t resist it much just shows how much she has mellowed out and wants to please others despite the front she wants to put out.
The final bit with Saurva may throw the series in a different direction and it does make me think how they follow through in the next episode titled: Saurva Will Not Lose! It is telling though that the deity who blesses Saurva looks suspiciously like the demon lord. Will they reveal her true nature?
I agree, can’t get enough of the rivalry between Druj and Kyoko. I guess Jahy doesn’t seem to care too much, besides having her reputation ruined in Druj’s eyes or Kyoko turning against her again.
Not too surprising to see Ryou like the futon despite badmouthing it. Anything new is going to be nice. Still, it’s interesting how Jahy changed by not making a big deal of the Owner playing dressup with her. Still, I wonder if Saurva will actually score a win this time.
The Druj vs Kyoko rematch was great! Jahy’s lucky her loyal servant is not very sharp.
Poor Jahy was denied a better bedroom for an understandable reason.
Intrigued to see what Saurva will do as the mystery being’s new champion.
Agreed. It’s a good thing that Jahy managed to get away with what happened. Still, I’m curious too if Saurva will prevail over Jahy or not.