You might be wondering, how did Touko’s outing with her grandfather turned out. Touko decides to tell Himeno how it went after inviting her to talk with her.

As expected, Himeno finally meets Touko as she wants to go somewhere to eat before heading to the café. Yes, she shows the bowl she bought, which is red. It looks expensive, but it wasn’t. She used her New Year’s money to buy it. Yes, she sent a photo of it to Mika, and she seems surprised. Either way, Touko seems happy about her purchase, and it almost uses the same color red.
When Himeno takes Touko to her family’s café, we find out how the time with her grandfather went. It’s obvious that Touko come from a pottery family like Himeno. It’s obvious to see why she loves pottery and received a lot of praise from her grandfather. This is from Touko making a lot of stuff. Somehow, she starts to take pottery seriously, especially pressure from her parents to live up to her grandfather’s reputation.

You might be wondering, why red? Touko had the urge to use it during middle school but received a negative reaction. Her grandfather said he was busy and didn’t want her to come to the workshop. Touko meant this as she must make things his way. However, this is not true since he hid the fact that he saw Touko’s dish at the cultural festival.
Yep, the reason he didn’t told her is because of Touko’s mother and father didn’t want him to spoil their daughter. It’s obvious that he wanted to fawn over his granddaughter’s work. Either way, he is happy to see her continue pottery. But it’s obvious that he liked the plate she made and encourages her to make things she wants to make and the way she likes. In other words, she shouldn’t let family pressure stop her from making what she likes.

From hearing this, Himeno is in tears. After all, she is in a similar situation with her mother being a legend and all. After all, she is focused on what to put on that shelf. Of course, Touko revealed that she talked to her because of Naoko being worried about Himeno. Touko is basically telling Himeno not too cave into the pressure and make what she likes. Thankfully, this is enough to clear Himeno’s mind.

Still, it’s obvious that Naoko really cares about Himeno, especially when she has the hots for her. I find it cute how Naoko receives a thank you message from Himeno. Yes, she doesn’t know what to say to thank Touko. Thankfully, Touko said she didn’t have to call her. Either way, Naoko seems at ease. This makes me wonder what Himeno comes up with that piece that is worthy for that shelf space.
Nice to get the full picture of Touko’s backstory. Glad grandpa apologized and encouraged her to sculpt her own legend. Plus she helped guide Himeno too. Good stuff.
Naoko and Mika are great future wives.
Yes, it’s good that Touko settled her differences. I guess this is not too surprising given her family wants her to live up to her family’s reputation. It’s still good that he seems to like Touko’s works.
I can agree with that.