It’s bound to happen, but we finally witnessing the start of Druj’s rivalry with Kyoko to win Jahy’s heart.
Jahy finally breaks the news to Druj that the Demon Lord is finally revived. Of course, Jahy wants to meet with her about investigating the motives of who destroyed the dark realm.
Before they can talk about it, Druj doesn’t seem to like how Kyoko is sitting next to her. I knew that this isn’t going to look as Druj’s jealousy settles in. Of course, Kyoko saying that Jahy loves and declaring friendship with Jahy doesn’t help with this either.

While Jahy tried to take control of the situation, they challenged each other to prove Jahy’s worth by how many mana crystals they collect. Although it’s good for Jahy since she is leaving the grunt work to them, they left her the bill. Yep, Jahy ended up having to wash dishes to pay for it. I can’t really blame Jahy since she can’t control Kyoko following her around.

In the second half, Saurva comes up with another plan to beat Jahy. Yes, using traps to trap Jahy to take the 2nd in command spot from her. The funny thing is that Jahy walks around the trap, but Kyoko ends up going through them. Somehow, it doesn’t hurt her, maybe because magical girls can’t feel pain, or she is a masochist. Not only that, Jahy doesn’t seem to help rescue Kyoko despite being “friends.” Still, I find it funny how Kyoko ends up breaking Saurva’s traps, causing her to build better ones. Even the 2nd model ended up in the same result.

Of course, Kyoko walked around the third model, which is apparently the strongest. When Saurva test it out, it was painful for her, and she was unable to break it. I guess it’s mostly Kyoko’s super strength.

In the last segment, it seems that Kyoko prepared food for the Demon Lord for lunch. The funny thing is that she starts eating it after Kyoko puts it in the refrigerator. Kyoko somehow forgot her lunch and the Demon Lord followed her to school in Kyoko’s bag. She apparently brought her lunch before she disappeared.

Of course, I liked how the classmate who Kyoko eats lunch with noticed how much Kyoko changed. Yes, it’s for the better thanks to Kyoko having the burden of the mana crystals taken off her. When she opens her lunch, it was completely empty. I wonder if the Demon Lord did this to prank her.

That evening, Jahy had some alone time walking to work before Kyoko shows up. Yes, she complains, but we learn more about the demon lord. After all, Kyoko complains about the demon lord being a sleeping and binge eating NEET. I guess the Demon Lord acts this way because of Jahy spoiling her with live offerings and a castle of her own for power and mana crystals. Yep, Jahy created the monster Kyoko has to deal with.

With that, I can see how she ends up being a big eater and sleeping NEET. However, she doesn’t eat and sleep all day since she faces off the strange light after Jahy and Kyoko walked away. Thankfully, Demon Lord seems alright after Kyoko came back home and sees her sleeping in the foyer. Still, I wonder who the strange light is. We’ll find out soon enough.
The highly anticipated showdown between Druj and Kyoko was as glorious as we hoped. Looking forward to more battles.
Saurva’s misfortune is done far better than Satanichia’s and that angel from Jahy-Chan.
The Dark Lord works in mysterious ways.
It didn’t disappoint either. Still, I am curious about how many mana crystals they collected, but this rivalry won’t be the last for sure. Also not too surprising that Saurva still facing bad luck, probably worse than Kyoko’s now.
I really wonder who or what thing the demon lord saw
We’ll probably find out soon enough.