Now that Jahy made Kyoko her minion, she is starting to regret her decision. It becomes obvious why.

After bringing Kyoko to Jahy’s side and the Demon King finally revived, Jahy is on the top of her world. She is excited to tell the news to Kokoro when Kyoko came out of nowhere. Yep, since Jahy said that she will give love to Kyoko last time, she wants to be with Jahy no matter what. Of course, Jahy has to say that Kyoko is her friend or otherwise, she will start antagonizing Jahy again.

Sure, Jahy wants to take Kokoro to a different place since she believes being around Kyoko is dangerous. The funny thing is that she chases after Jahy before she catches Jahy. The funny thing is that Kokoro becomes friends with Kyoko.

Of course, Kyoko following Jahy everywhere doesn’t end there. Yep, she got a job at the same pub that Jahy work ats. This really annoys Jahy since work is the only place where she can get away from Kyoko. Also, Jahy finally finds out Kyoko’s first name as well.
Even so, it seems that the Owner hired Kyoko since she needed more workers. Not to mention, the Demon King is eating Kyoko to the poor house. The question is, did the Owner make a good hiring choice or made a big mistake?

The funny thing is that while Jahy was happy that Kyoko is also working at the same place to take the load off her. Due to Kyoko’s unluckiness and inexperience, she ends up creating more work for Jahy. That is until Jahy start teaching Kyoko how to do things when she starts doing her job correctly.

From this, Jahy found a small mana crystal shard in Kyoko’s hair. This makes me wonder Kyoko’s mistakes were a result of this. Either way, she seems infatuated with Jahy. I guess Jahy has no chance of getting rid of her anytime soon.

In the last segment, Jahy turns down the Owner’s favor without listening what it’s about. She thought it’s another attempt at dieting and exercise. In fact, it has to do with a new menu item. This gives Jahy an opportunity to eat expensive meat, until Ryou rained on the Owner’s parade. Of course, the Demon Lord ends up eating all the food in the end. Even so, it’s obvious that Jahy seems annoyed that the Demon Lord still prefers Kyoko over Jahy. I guess Jahy needs to earn more money to satisfy her appetite.
Who knew Jahy’s greatest adversary would be the one to fall madly in love with her the most, arguably more than Druj? Of course neither are a match for Kokoro’s blissful cuteness or Jahy’s devotion to her beloved Dark Lord.
Yes, this is the surprising part, which makes the relationship feel almost like Shamiko and Momo, except Kyoko’s masochistic tendencies and obsession for Jahy. I guess Druj is going to become very jealous of Kyoko and I wonder what kind of bickering will come from this.