While Kukuru’s boss remains a big a-hole, Kukuru works on the next project her boss assigns her.
Despite Fuuka’s return, Kukuru’s boss is still a big a-hole. He is basically making Kukuru work like a slave by pushing her to write all those reports. Hopefully Kukuru hangs on and show him whose boss.
Of course, he is still relentless as he wants Kukuru to have a project presentation plan ready by tomorrow. I guess Kukuru now regrets taking the job. Maybe not because she likes sea creatures and Fuuka is there.

Either way, she complains about her boss. Fuuka as usual gives some encouragement Kukuru continues to work hard right into the evening. Of course, Fuuka saw how hard Kukuru is working, but she managed to make it. She created a good number of proposals, but the boss something done in two weeks.

Of course, Kukuru believes that sea slugs are a no brainer since she can obtain some nearby. However, he wants 8 different species, which can become problematic since they are picky eaters and only eat natural stuff. After all, some will eat sea sponges and others, sea moss or quirts. Thankfully, she become prepared by asking other aquariums to give some information on what they eat. Kukuru asks Fuuka and Kai for some help to get 8 different species.

Of course, Kukuru reveals the project proposal to the head of the sea attendants. Of course, Kaoru complains about the lack of time and having to deal with 8 different types. We start to see Kukuru take a different stance by saying the guest matters.

As expected, Kaoru becomes perplexed and upset by Kukuru’s reaction given that she knew how much work it is. While the boss wants to not feed them, this upsets Kukuru since it’s too cruel. She is determined to make it work. After all, she is up to the challenge.
As she finds out, there is one species that won’t eat the sea sponge that are on the list. She tried several others, but not much luck. While she asks Kukuru to cut the species down to 7, the boss only cares about the money. Of course, Kukuru becomes fixated on fixing this issue that she forgot the tour. Thankfully the attendants started without her. It’s obvious that Kukuru will become annoyed at Chiyu. Not too surprising since she is still her usual self. Of course, this issue distracted her from the other tasks.

Kukuru is determined to find a solution. Sure, Kai shows up as Kukuru works hard. Yep, she uses him as a punching bag, until he stopped one of his punches. She didn’t think much of it as Kukuru continues. It seems that it’s still not eating the sponge as Kaoru walks in. Of course, Kukuru won’t accept the idea of letting them starve as it will be too cruel. With that, Kaoru talks about how cruel aquariums are and they shouldn’t exist if that is the case. Kukuru asks why aquariums should exist and of course, it’s to research sea life.
Sure, they got into a disagreement over how to deal with this issue, Kaoru finally asks why sea slugs. As expected, Kaoru likes them because of how many species there are, the characteristics, and appearance. Of course, they find out how much in common they have in taking care of animals. After all, Kukuru needs to find an answer instead of giving up. It can help with the research of that species if they find out what it eats.

As expected, the presentation went on with 7 species and it was a hit. Of course, the a-hole boss yells at Kukuru for cutting one of the species out. It’s obvious that he only cares about the all-mighty yen instead of the welfare of the animals. After all, it’s capitalism and they got to rake in that money. I hope he gets retribution or Kukuru shows who’s right.
Either way, it’s easy to feel bad for Kuuya finding out that Kaoru is a girl and not a man. I know it’s kind of hard with her speaking style and short hair, but his trauma from that moment is still strong.
Slowly but surely Kukuru’s getting the hang of working at Tingaara.
Looks like Kaoru finally warmed up to Kukuru after their interesting debate.
Chiyu’s backstory or drama has to be jaw dropping for me to care about her and even then I don’t know if I will.
Yes, it’s good that Kukuru is starting to get a hang, but her boss is still an a-hole. Don’t think he will ever redeem himself, unless he gets into some trouble. It’s good that Kaoru is not a complete jerk. Sadly, the same can’t be said about Chiyu, although some of it come from Kukuru having to train her, who was a competitor in the past.
Manager is as usual acting like a pri*ck but the fact he agreed to Kukuru’s proposal so quickly without being overly critical suggests that his stance towards her is softening if only a little. Plus, despite all the arguments they had about whether to feed the slugs or not the project was a success unlike the earlier one. This success could garner more confidence from him. Then again, seeing the way he behaves it is very easy to see this success being simply used as yet another excuse to give more work for her under the guise of pushing her talents further. Frankly the guy is not just an ass; he is also a lazy manager who is leaching off Kukuru’s hard work!
On the whole though I am happy that Kukuru is finally finding her feet and things seem to be going well. From this episode she seems to have gained some respect from Kaoru and this was made clear with her invitation right at the end. If she keeps having success could even “Karen” Chiyu start to respect or dare I say, even like Kukuru? An impossible ask I know, but then tell me; how is it possible to hate Kukuru?!
I agree that the insufferable a-hole of a manager is irredeemable, but he has to realize that not feeding them is something the attendants aren’t going to do. They have to find a solution or not show them at all. I do hope that he suffers a big setback or that Kukuru will eventually prove her wrong. Still, It’s good at Kukuru is getting along with more of the new people. As for Chiyu, I doubt she will be redeemable, especially for the fact that Kukuru kind of burned that bridge since she was resentful against her during her time at Gama Gama and having to train her future rival. Who knows, anything can happen.