From last time, Jahy finally relaxed at the public bath and partied. Meanwhile, a certain someone was at the same public bath. It’s obvious who.
If you can tell in the background as Jahy drinks a glass a milk, Sauva was there. Yep, her plan of ruining Jahy’s reputation was a huge failure. In fact, she improved Jahy’s reputation. What a great way to forget about the failures that she experienced. She even splurged on the shampoo and hair conditioner.
Sadly, when she went into the bath, she saw Jahy and Ryou. Yep, Sauva is scared of Ryou given how she demanded the rent while Sauva disguised as Jahy. The funny thing is that when Sauva used the shampoo, she didn’t notice that Jahy is using a lot it. It only took Sauva a few moments that Jahy used a lot of it thinking it’s free. The funny thing is Sauva took it and realized half the bottle is gone. She was angry. Of course, Sauva trips on a bar of soap. Thankfully, she landed on the Owner, thus she didn’t have a hard landing.

Despite Jahy using half of Sauva’s shampoo, Sauva seems to enjoy her time at the bath. It’s not too surprising since she ran into the Owner, who treated her nicely while disguised as Jahy. The funny thing is that Jahy seems happy thanks to a good bath and using that shampoo.

Either way, it’s finally payday for Jahy. The funny thing is that she hasn’t learned her lesson. She basically went on a shopping spree to buy a weapon to take down the magical girl. The funny thing is that Shamiko did the same thing and shopping for weapons.

Of course, the only big difference is that Jahy has a good amount of money to spend. I find it funny how she does the impulse buying thing when she sees someone demonstrates an item’s function. Before she knows it, she bought a lot of useless items and of course, a light saber which functions nothing like the actual one does in the Star Wars movie.

Sadly, with all that wasted money and her weapon being just a toy, she resorts to setting up traps. She hopes that the magical girl will get stuck in the trap. Of course, Jahy couldn’t go out since she set up those traps. Things get worse when Ryou enters her apartment, and she gets stuck on the goo set at the front door. Before the metal pan dropped, Jahy protected her. Still, it’s obvious that Jahy is still scared of the magical girl and Ryou offered to increase the security.

Lastly, Sauva runs into small Jahy. She doesn’t believe it’s her since she looks like a child. She tried to help her, but it ends up backfiring. The birds took Jahy’s bun away and she got angry at Sauva and calls her a maggot. While Sauva tried to offer a rice ball, Jahy rejected it. The funny thing is that Sauva asks for advice from Jahy. Of course, her answer is not giving up. Aside from that, I guess we will keep seeing Sauva failing no matter what,
I sense a love/hate relationship developing between Jahy and Saurva as it seems unlikely this will be the only time they stumble on each other. You got to think, will Saurva continue to pour her heart out to mini Jahy? The outpouring could even happen in reverse if Jahy gets another setback from her own powerful adversary… It could all lead to the two girls befriending each yet being sworn rivals at the same time! Whatever happens I am sure Jahy won’t clock on for ages.
Speaking of adversaries, the title of the new episode: The magical girl will not be defeated! Does send some shivers down my spine! I believe in you Jahy!
It’s not too surprising since Saurva wants to become 2nd in command. I guess defeating child Jahy would be unfair and hurting a child is not morally right. Given Saurva’s failures, I guess she will continue to keep failing, unlike the magical girl. I guess Jahy is screwed unless something happens