A year has passed since Gama Gama’s closure. It seems that Kukuru is in a tough place as she placed in a role she didn’t expect.
A year has passed and Kukuru has finally has a first taste of adulthood. She starts her new job at Tingaara. While Kai gets the role he expected, Kukuru on the other hand didn’t. She finds herself in the marketing department with Karin.

I suppose the owner of the aquarium thought the marketing department since Kukuru did event planning and social network posts as an assistant director. Of course, this is something she is not an expert at and something that Fuuka might be good at. That is of course being an aquarium attendant. Besides Karin, she also meets her co-worker, Akari Maeda who works part time. At least she is nice unlike Chiyu.
As expected, it doesn’t go well as planned. Her boss, who kind of reminds me of the one from my first job seems very strict. He also said that Gama Gama is a failed aquarium and tells Kukuru to read bunch of manuals. On top of that, he doesn’t give any guidance whatsoever despite Kukuru being new at the job. Yep, he basically setting her up to fail. Kukuru complains to the owner, but he still has faith in her and urges her to try new things.

Thankfully, Karin give Kukuru a tour of the aquarium, which allow her to escape from the overwhelming stack of manuals. Of course, Kukuru runs into Chiyu, who haven’t changed one bit. She still acts like a smug Karen enjoying the fact that Kukuru is stuck in the marketing department. Don’t worry, she doesn’t get any better from here.

Either way, Kukuru still feels bad after Karin takes her and Kai to dinner at the restaurant Undon is working at now. Kai tells Kukuru not to give up as she might have a change of heart. Not to mention, he also tells Kukuru that she might have an opportunity to move to a different position someday. Despite these words of encouragement, Kukuru still feels down as she wonders how Fuuka is doing.
The next day, the manager asks Kukuru if she read that document about an event rehearsal. After looking it over, she shares the information with the attendants, which seems busy to convey this information.

Of course, Kukuru didn’t realize that there were other departments she had to coordinate actions with. The manager ends up having to cancel the rehearsal and he calls Kukuru a Plankton. As expected, Kukuru takes that as an insult and talks back at her boss. Not a wise thing since that is insubordination and the boss could have disciplined her or worse, fire her. As expected, Maeda and Karin facepalmed while this happened.
Moreover, Chiyu isn’t happy that Kukuru moved the foam boxes that were blocking in the hallway. Yep, she is still a Karen and should have known better not to block the hallway. Yes, it shows that the aquarium, despite wanting to provide a perfect experience to their customer is already in disarray.

After a disastrous second day of the job, Kukuru heads to the beach. It seems that things aren’t going well. After all, things are different than at Gama Gama. Someone ask Kukuru if she is crying. Kukuru said that she wouldn’t cry alone, until she realizes that Fuuka was there. Yep, she came out of nowhere as she was next to her. Like I said in my previous post, Fuuka will be back sooner than you think. Still, I wonder, what is she planning to do for work? We’ll see soon enough.
I knew Tingaara was going to start off as a crappy place to work. Hopefully with Fuuka back she’ll help Kukuru figure out how to handle most of her annoying non-Gama Gama coworkers.
It’s so ridiculous how mean the workers are to Kukuru. Yes, I get Chiyu since she is very condensing and stuck up Karen, but the boss bullying Kukuru isn’t called for since it’s basically harassment at this point. Talking about a hostile work environment. Hopefully thing will get better with Fuuka back in the picture.
Still, not too surprising that Chiyu hasn’t change at all. At this point, she is irredeemable.
Deer in front of headlights is how I saw Kukuru in this episode. She was totally out of her element and struggled massively. It made for difficult viewing especially when you add the toxic work atmosphere. It is sink of swim for Kukuru. Let’s just hope she gets her mojo back soon.
Most redeeming feature of the episode was Fuuka showing up right at the end. I just hope she features more heavily in the next episodes. Kuruhu is certainly going to need all the help she can get to get over this hump!
Not too surprising since she is thrown into a position she didn’t expect. Top that off with lack of training, and throwing a bunch of manuals is basically setting one up to fail. Yes, her boss is an a-hole and all that bullying is not called for. Not made any better with Chiyu still being a stuck up Karen and basically irredeemable at this point.
I do hope that things will get better now that Fuuka is back in the picture. I wonder what position or job she will take.