It seems that Kobayashi’s back is hurting for some reason as she finds a solution. Also, Tohru’s father pays a visit to her workplace.
Yep, it seems that while Kobayashi did some back exercise, she experienced back pain. Not too surprising since her company doesn’t provide ergonomic chair to prevent this. I eventually bought two of those ergonomic office chairs to replace my old office chairs and they aren’t cheap. However, it goes a long way to stop back pain.

Of course, Kobayashi decides to find a solution. After all, she doesn’t want to eat Tohru’s tail as she insists her to do it. Yep, Tohru is going there again trying to feed Kobayashi her own tail meat. I guess Tohru doing it four times in the prequel wasn’t enough.

The funny thing is that instead of buying a better office chair, Kobayashi decides to do something else. Yep, she bought a boat load of relaxation devices. The funny thing is that Tohru wonders what Kobayashi is going to do with all those devices. It’s obvious that she wants Kobayashi take dubious medicine that she finds that cures it or eat her tail meat. She finds that out firsthand when she took Kobayashi’s coworkers, Takiya and Elma.

These are things that Kobayashi isn’t going to do. Still, it’s nice to see Ilulu turn her hand into circle to massage Kobayashi’s back. Of course, Kanna gets to do the same as well. Still, I am not surprised that Tohru didn’t ask, and Kobayashi thought the same. As expected, she brings out her tail meat again.
In the end, it works out in the end as Tohru realizes that forcing Kobayashi to eat the tail meat is not what she wants. Yep, Tohru realizes that it’s for the best since she wants Kobayashi to remain in this world.

Aside from that, it’s nice how Tohru comes home and brings out her tail. Kobayashi thought she is going to offer Tohru her tail at meat. Instead, Tohru offers Kobayashi a message using her own tail. As expected, Kobayashi finds it more effective than the relaxation devices she bought.

In the second half, it seems that Tohru wrote something on a piece of paper. She intends to teach to Kanna and Ilulu. Yep, Kobayashi realizes that it’s a spell and she is programming them all along. Not too surprising since Shouta’s father is a mage. Kobayashi also meets Tohru’s father. Yep, Shouta’s father knows Tohru’s father since he wrote about his experiences despite his experiences happening in the future. Of course, Shouta’s father sold copies of it because he loves making money.

We find out from Tohru’s father is that the dragons fighting an endless war with the gods. Eventually, the other dragons either lost interest, joined the gods with the Harmony faction, or perished. Basically, the dragons that continue to fight against the gods is the Chaos faction, who also distrust humans. Of course, Harmony faction gotten close to humans. Yes, humans that worship gods.

Also, during that time, he gave birth to Tohru. Once Tohru can transform into her human form, he let Tohru wonder around. That is until he lost control of her as she tries to fight the gods and becomes wounded. That is when she ends up in the human world and Tohru saving her.
Kobayashi after finding out some details about Tohru’s origins, she eventually asks her about what happened before that faithful moment. Yep, it was interesting as she meets the dragons that exist in the human world. Yes, we even see Lucoa’s dragon form and obviously, she has no interest in fighting. Also, when Tohru met Kanna, Kanna while smaller than she is currently is just as adorable. Obviously, she wants attention and doesn’t really want to fight. Also, we know what happened when Tohru tagged along with Elma.
After all that exploring around the world, Tohru realizes that she doesn’t like the lack of freedom. After all, she is expected to fight along with the Chaos faction since she is the daughter of Demise. So, she basically decides to fight the gods on her own to free herself and fails at it. After that, everything else is history.

While what she did is risky, but it paid off in the end. She gets to be with the love of her life without worrying about fighting gods. With that, this leaves us with the summer festival. Yep, Tohru gets to spend some time with Kobayashi. We’ll see how it goes. Hopefully there will be some good Kanna and Riko moments as well.
It was pretty cool learning more about the dragon world history along with Tohru’s past along with how she first met her future friends.
Being a maid to the one you love does sound preferable to ruling a chaotic kingdom.