After the break and Kukuru getting upset over the harsh reality of the aquarium’s fate, she pushes on. Karin manages to arrange a moving aquarium event. Of course, a certain eight-legged with two craw sea creature that is a symbol of Maryland decides to become a stowaway.
After Karin pulled some strings and received approval to do a traveling aquarium. Yes, it’s at a hospital. However, the nurse there won’t allow them to bring a sea creature that starts with C. Yes, if you know what it is, it’s a crab. Apparently, the nurse is afraid of crabs and probably not a big fan of Old Bay spice either. She is afraid of those pincers and adamant about it too.
As expected, Umi-yan along with Kukuru and Fuuka loaded the sea creatures they plan to exhibit along with other equipment. They managed to get at the hospital, but of course, they had to lift boxes too. Thankfully, Kukuru and Fuuka managed to get everything moved and set the equipment up.

The funny thing is that the nurse’s biggest fears has come true. The crab from the tank crawled as a stowaway as Fuuka is about to fill the tank. She tried to put it in the bucket, but the pincers pinched one of her fingers. Yep, it sneaked out waiting for that nurse. I also find it funny how Kuuya noticed that he only sees two crabs, He really thought he was hallucinating since one of them are missing. Either way, they managed to get everything set up on time.

Of course, Umi-yan tries to find Airi, but she refuses to see him. It’s obvious that they know each other. When he talked with Kukuru when she got upset on the roof top, he revealed that he made a promise to a girl. Yes, Airi was a regular who wanted to see garra rufa fish. He promises her that they will be on display next week. However, she didn’t come back due to an injury or disease. This is one of the reasons he wanted to do a traveling aquarium so she can see them. Sadly, she didn’t want to see it for some reason. I wonder why?

The thing that upsets Kukuru is the nurse mentioning that the aquarium will close soon. As expected, she didn’t take it well like in the last episode. She wants to keep it alive and Karin too. However, the city won’t listen to her proposals, and she feels that its might be too late. That is despite the information she has. It’s obvious that they don’t feel that it’s viable since the city is opening another aquarium in the center of the city. At this point, they need a miracle or something.

Of course, the thing that changes Airi’s mind is seeing the crab on the nurse’s breasts and crawling up to her shoulders. Yep, it’s taking advantage of her fear for crabs and dislike for Old Bay spice. Airi grabs it and its craws didn’t pinch her fingers.

With that, Airi eventually sees the fish after putting the crab in the bucket. Yep, she really enjoyed the fish and makes a promise to him. She promises him that she will get stronger and visit the aquarium again. Still, I am hopeful that she will pull it off and there is a miracle. We’ll see.
Either way, the event was a success as the children there had a lot of fun. Of course, Kukuru apologizes to the nurse about the crab. Sure, the nurse was going to file a complaint, but she let it slide since the children had fun. I guess it wouldn’t be possible without that crab. Yep, that crab made Maryland proud. Still, Karin shared her dream of wanting to become an aquarium attendant but decided to do something else. Either way, the crab deserves a rave.

Either way, I wonder about the girl, Haebaru Chiyu who wants to do training. Yep, it’s like training your replacement for the same job. I wonder how Kukuru will treat her as she might see her as a threat. I have a feeling that they might become a bit hostile, but will Kukuru’s grandfather tolerate that behavior? We’ll find out soon enough.
When you heard the nurse freaking out over the crab you just knew that a crap was coming along om with the ride. XD As always Mr crap decides to show his face in the worst possible moment. That was funny although judging from the nurse’s earlier reaction I was expecting a little more.
I just wonder if we will get to see a little more from Airi. The biggest question though is how will this aquarium be saved? The way aquatope is going they make it sound like this closure is a done deal. Well that actually happen or will there be twist in store?
That has been my concern also! Ep 6 takes place (story time) on Aug 1, Ep 7 on Aug 9, and now Ep 8 on Aug 17. The grandfather tells Kuuya at the end of Ep 7 that he will definitely close Gama-Gama and the target date for that is Aug 31. Ep 8 has some serious bad news, the city is building their own Aquarium Tingaara, and the staff of Gama-Gama will be training them! At this rate, Ep 10 “Abandoned Illusion” will be the closing of Gama-Gama and that is an ominous title, like abandon your illusions of saving Gama-Gama. When this story trope was introduced, I thought sure, need some drama for both Fuuka and Kukuru to work together and bond a solid friendship. They will save the Aquarium. Now I am not so sure. Could the story tellers actually close Gama-Gama? Also Fuuka must return to Tokyo after Aug 31. Faced with a 24 episode series, what would the story be about if all that happens? With 14 days to go, there is no realistic way that Fuuka and Kukuru can save Gama-Gama. Of course Aquatope has been dealing in heavy magic realism, so some sort of miracle is always possible, and besides the Kijimuna who stole Fuuka’s hat, and eats all Kukuru’s fish heads has some serious obligations under the spirit world’s principle of equivalent exchange. Aquatope is masterful story telling! Hang on, fasten your seat belts, could be a rocky ride or a deep dive!
It will be interesting how the next few episodes. If the title of the 10th episode is true, I think Gama Gama is pretty much doomed unless there is a miracle happen. Must be since there is 24 episodes after all.
Still, I have a feeling that we will see Fuuka again after she leaves. Who knows, she might come back.
Fuuka is the Eye of the story. If she leaves, we leave with her. My ancient Comp Lit professor always made a big deal about the Story Eye. I guess we need two miracles here to keep Gama-Gama open and to keep Fuuka here in Okinawa! Not much White sand in Tokyo.
Yes, the crab is the funny part, and I can see why the nurse didn’t want Kukuru to bring it. The chances of seeing Airi is iffy, unless she recovers quickly or the aquarium doesn’t close down. Still, given how things are going, it’s going to be an uphill battle.