Now, Hiori finds out the truth about her older sister and why the world ended.
As expected, we finally learn what happened before the world ended the first time. Apparently, Mio and Hiori lived in her uncle’s apartment for a while. They are hoping that their mother will return during a tanabata festival through a wish. Eventually, Mio received a phone call from their aunt breaking the bad news. She thinks their mother and father passed away since it’s been four years.

To me, I feel that Mio could have prevented the series of events from happening by simply telling the truth. Bereavement is something that everyone goes through. While Hiori will become sad if Mio told the truth about their mother, she wouldn’t hold the negative feelings in.

Of course, by hiding it, it just makes everything a lot worse. Mio notices Hiori’s sadness while she read Hiori’s journal but does nothing about it. She sent her away to a school dorm for high school thinking friends will solve the issue. Even if Mio attempted to stabilize Hiori’s fragment, the negative feelings she held is too great that it was already too late. It shattered and she basically ceased to exist.

Sure, Hiori blames herself for the situation Mio is in, but of course, she shouldn’t blame herself. While Mio had good intentions as she just wanted her little sister to be happy, I think hiding the fact that their mother is not coming back and not talk to her about it made things worse. Still, I think Hiori still has a chance to make things right and understand how she felt. Hopefully Ruka and Miyako can sort out her feelings.

Now that I finished up the game, I want to share some observations. I find it interesting how Yuzu and Lime says the same thing to Mio about saving the world and granting a wish. Of course, they hid some important details. Of course, those who haven’t played the game, they will be in a spoiler tag.
Well, this makes me wonder how Hiori is going to not only save her older sister, but also the world. After all, the Common is closed off since another Sephirot won. Also, we don’t know Hiori’s true weapon yet that can become key towards saving her older sister and the world. We’ll find out soon enough.
Shocking reveal for sure. Miscommunication and parent issues appear to be recurring trends on this show. Makes sense.
Poor Hiori got hit hard with that reveal. Hopefully Ruka and Miyako can heal her heart.