Now that Fuuka decided to take up Kukuru’s job opening, she decides to help out with the aquarium. Of course, she finds out firsthand that the job isn’t that easy. Of course, Fuuka still haven’t revealed what brought her there.

After that faithful encounter with Kukuru and her showing Fuuka around the aquarium, she wants to work there. As expected, she finds out that it’s harder than it seems. While some of it is because Kukuru not telling her such as Fuuka’s nail polish, there is others that I can’t blame her. She also puts on the work uniform and boots. As expected, they smell fishy since it’s an aquarium of course.

As for the penguin feeding, just say it didn’t go so well. Yep, the penguins were vicious, and they really want the fish. Obviously, Fuuka was very anxious, especially given that Kukuru didn’t teach her how to do feed them beforehand.

Instead of dropping it quickly, she held onto it, and they start pecking her hand, which got to hurt as one of them grabbed it from her hand. This causes her to eventually dump the bucket by accident. She eventually slipped and feel into the pool. Obviously, Kukuru wasn’t happy at all. Even so, I felt that she was a bit harsh on Fuuka despite not teaching her first. Fuuka obviously felt a bit down for messing up big time.
After doing the offering, she set up the sign and do the cleaning. She eventually cleans the front door when two guys came over. Yes, it’s starting to remind me of Free Willy as those two guys have ulterior motives. She tries to trick Kukuru into selling the aquarium to them. I wonder, what they will do with it? Try to run it themselves or tear it down and build something? Either way, they can’t trick Kukuru that easily.

Meanwhile, Karin dropped by and saw Fuuka. She reveals the truth about the aquarium. Sadly, it’s not doing so well, and it costs a lot of money to replace all the aging equipment. Kukuru’s grandfather wants to close it by the end of summer, but Kukuru is trying so hard to keep it alive.

Of course, those guys came out and bump into the sign, which broke. I think they obviously did it on purpose since they couldn’t buy the aquarium. Fuuka knows how precious the sign was that she attacked them with the hose. Obviously, they were really angry. Either way, Kukuru wasn’t angry at what Fuuka did. Eventually, they threw a welcome party where Fuuka met Kai, one of Kukuru’s classmates and Undon (Tsukimi), who works at the family bar.
Eventually, Fuuka revealed what really happened before she came to Okinawa to Kukuru. She mentions her dream of becoming an idol. She almost made it to the last round to become the center, until she gave it up to Ruka. It’s because she wants her grandmother to see her perform.
Of course, the managers weren’t happy that Fuuka lacked attentiveness and throwing her dream away. They eventually fired her. Of course, Fuuka didn’t tell her parents what she is doing. It’s obvious that she is embarrassed

Still, it’s such a shame she did it as it’s something she probably regrets doing. This is despite of her having good intentions. After knowing that Kukuru wants to keep the aquarium alive, she wants to help make her dream become true. With Kukuru knowing more about Fuuka, hopefully they will get a bit closer.
Wasn’t really expecting much going into this series but have been pleasantly surprised thus far. Both Fuuka and Kuhuru are enjoyable characters to watch.
I can really relate to Fuuka though as I can see myself in her. I just hope she comes clean to her parents about the truth of her idol career. By coming out she can work at her new job with grearer passion as her doubts of being accepted are holding her back.
Agreed. But yes, it’s kind of hard for her to reveal what just happened. Not too surprising since getting fired or losing a job is quite embarrassing, especially having to move back home. But I can see why many can relate to her experiences.