Now that Teio made the promise that she will win the next race, will she pull it off?
As predicted, when news about McQueen’s injury became public, it was sad to see Satono Diamond’s feeling. After all, she was a fan of McQueen’s. Still, I can see Kitasan Black being sympathetic to Diamond. After all, she looked up to Teio and had to delt with the sad news of her injuring herself three times. Also, there are the rumors that Teio won’t be able to make a comeback.

Aside from that, Teio makes her promise with McQueen a reality. Even the Trainer is not confident in her winning, but he eventually supports her decision. Yes, she trained hard and struggled. Thankfully, she has her team members besides McQueen helping her out with the training. The question is, will Teio pull it off especially with Biwa Hayahide, Winning Ticket, Rice Shower being favorites?

The day of the Arima Kinen race has finally come. Teio appeared very nervous, but it’s nice to see Rudolf talk to Teio a bit. Teio ask her that if she did anything special when she wanted to win no matter what. While she couldn’t give her an easy answer, she believes that if one believes in something, that is something no one else can change.

As for the race itself, it looks like Teio struggled a bit, but at least she wasn’t last. Of course, McQueen had a hard time watching the race and waited outside. She becomes terrified that Teio might not win. I can understand, but she needs to have faith in Teio. After all, anything can happen.

When she entered the audience, she saw Teio trying her best and eventually take the lead. Yes, a narrow lead, but enough to win first place from Biwa Hayahide. Still, it’s funny to see some of Teio’s rivals hug her. Also, Suzuka finally makes it back to cheer Teio on in person. That is a surprising development given her absence for most of the season. It shows that miracles can happen.

Also, it’s nice to see Diamond and Black to start their first day at Tracen Academy. Lastly, it seems that McQueen has fully recovered as she practices with Teio.
Final Thoughts
As expected, the second season of Uma Musume as very enjoyable and interesting. Sure, there were some rough areas with the animation with the new studio, but it mostly looks good. Still, I think the story is an improvement over the last season with more drama. Yes, I have to admit that the second season hits the heart strings more than the prequel with what happened to Suzuka.
It’s obvious that Cygames wanted to have the races reference to real life races. Yes, this includes the injuries. To me, this it led to some interesting character development with Teio and McQueen. Of course, this meant that some pairings went by the wayside.
Still, I wonder, what will they do in a third season if Cygames decides to make one. Focus on the rivalry between Vodka and Daiwa Scarlet? Of course, there is Gold Ship after all. Then again, the latter already have her own Virtual Youtuber show, so it’s my only guess. Then again, they could focus on Satono Diamond and Kitasan Black of course.
It’s a cliche tagline but Uma Musume 2 was an undeniable roller coaster of emotions and I loved it!
While Gold McQueen’s end was sad I give the writers props for how they handled McTeio. I freakin’ love Rice Shower plus Bourbon is a gorgeous girlfriend for her. Despite the lack of Suzuka it’s great to know Special and her made their long distance relationship work. Let’s not forget Diamond and Black. So precious.
Were we to get a 3rd season best case scenario would be Diamond and Black as the protagonists.
Yes, the second season was definitely a roller coaster to watch, but it’s still was very interesting to watch. It’s just too bad that Gold Ship and McQueen didn’t work out, but oh well. I like the new pairings of course.
Still, makes me wonder what team Diamond and Black will join.