After the faithful “date” with Teio and McQueen, things are looking up as McQueen continues her training. Of course, the show decided that they haven’t pulled on the heart strings hard enough. As expected, I wasn’t prepared for what happened next.

Firstly, it’s nice to see some conclusions to the side horse girl arcs. Yep, it seems that Matikanefukukitaru’s business of fortune telling is done. Yep, Palmer and Helios wanted to have their fortune told, but finds a letter instead. When they left the school, they literally saw Matikanefukukitaru setting up shop elsewhere. As they say, it’s not over until it’s over.

Of course, we also see the heated race between the BNW team. At last, Biwa Hayahide, the last horse girl of the group finally scores a first-place win. Of course, Teio looks forward to possibly face her once she starts having her comeback. Not only that, it seems that Team Spica excluding McQueen went out to eat. Of course, Teio decides to buy a souvenir for McQueen without realizing what happened.

As expected, we haven’t seen this coming. At the beginning of the episode, right before McQueen went to bed, she notices something is wrong with her left leg. Also, Teio notices when they trained on the beach that McQueen held herself back and not running as fast. Of course, she didn’t think much of it until after she did more intense training to prepare for her next race. Even her butler notices something funny with her, until McQueen tells him to bring the doctor.

This is where of course the show pulls the heart strings again. The doctor advises McQueen to rest. Shortly after, she finds out the injury is more serious than she thought. Teio eventually finds out when she came to McQueen’s mansion to hand her a present. This is where the butler revealed that she developed suspensory ligament desmitis in her left leg. While that is a mouthful, her injury is a bit more serious than the reoccurring fractures that Teio endured.

In other words, this is basically career ending for McQueen. Even her grandmother begs McQueen to quit racing to avoid becoming immobile from making her injury worse. This is starting to sound like what Teio went through with some of her fans giving up hope on her. Yes, McQueen eventually realizes that her promise isn’t becoming true. Still, I wonder how Satono Diamond will react when she hears news about this. I think it will be more like Kitasan Black when Teio tells her not to follow her footsteps a few episodes back.
As expected, McQueen basically sneaked out and did training on her own. Yes, she thought she can tough it out. After all, she made a promise with Teio to face her in a race and beat her. Sadly, it seems that reality is harsh.

Eventually, Teio came after running back to the school to find McQueen. Sure, McQueen was upset as she comes into grips with reality that she isn’t going to fulfill Teio’s promise. Teio tries to comfort her that miracles could happen if she tried. Teio even wants to try to win her upcoming race for her sake.

From this moment and even the so-called date of the last episode, I think the obvious is clear. It seems that the Gold Ship and McQueen pairing is probably over as Teio and McQueen takes over. This moment makes it so obvious as McQueen has some admiration to Teio after watching her win a race a while back. This pretty much brings it home. This is not too surprising since Satono Diamond and Kitasan Black are fans of McQueen and Teio respectively.
Even with all the drama in the second season, story wise, I think it’s probably a step up. Still, I am curious if Teio can pull off a miracle and win a race next time. We’ll see soon enough.
Being a lead horse girl is suffering and gay it would seem. The former is hard to watch when it’s this consistent but the latter helps balance things.
McTeio it is then. While I weep for Gold McQueen’s sinking I admit the buildup to McTeio was done well.
Yes, this really hit me hard, especially given how serious McQueen’s injury is compared to Teio. I think this hits harder than what happened to Suzuka in the first season.
But yes, the new pairing is done well, I have to give them props for that.