Now that Toriko and Sorawo found the gate back to the real world, a strange creepy lady awaits them. Will they manage to escape the Urasekai and save the US forces?
As expected, Toriko and Sorawo faces one more obstacle to rescuehe US forces. Yes, it’s the creepy lady known as Kankandra. While it kind of looks like Satsuki, it’s not since she has creepy red teeth. She also transforms into a half human, half snake monster that releases supersonic noise. Yes, sounds so unbearable that the soldiers couldn’t attack. It appears when someone enters a forbidden forest.

Thankfully, Sorawo used her eye to pinpoint the monster’s weak point. Apparently, it reveals a few large metal bars that look like a nunchuk. While Toriko manages to get into the armored vehicle to attack it, Meanwhile, Sorawo had a staring match with it. It was enough for Toriko to start ramming the monster and causing massive damage.

The soldiers eventually regained control and started shooting the Kankandra. Toriko was able to eventually finish it off, clearing the path to the gate to leave the Urasekai. As expected, the soldiers and the Lieutenant thank the girls as they go through the gate. However, Sorawo and Toriko decides to stay behind since they don’t want to end up in Okinawa again.

After the soldiers left, Sorawo started crying for some reason. She revealed that she initially didn’t care about saving them, until Toriko brought it up. She also admits that she is interested in herself and don’t care about others. However, Toriko denies this and thinks that Sorawo has a kind heart, probably more so than Kozakura. Still, I think it’s a defining moment as Toriko admits that she can do things that are possible with her. It’s obvious that how Toriko and Sorawo feels about each other.

As for the second half, it seems that Kozakura had enough of having the farming machine in front of her house. Yes, she really threatens Sorawo and Toriko that if they don’t move it in three days, she will use it to cut grass and make them smoke it.
While Toriko and Sorawo struggled in finding a gate, it seems that there is one that is close. Yes, in front of Kozakura’s house, which is not only convenient, but probably unsettling for Kozakura. I guess going into the Urasekai once while being completely unprepared has traumatized her enough.
Still, it’s nice to see Sorawo and Toriko to stop by the spot that they met each other. Yes, they finally realized it’s three months since they first met each other. We also find out the reason why Sorawo decides to hang out with Toriko. Yes, it’s because Toriko is her friend, and she doesn’t mind being with her.
After all, she doesn’t like to meet other people and expand her horizon. I wonder the reason why. Of course, Toriko revealed that she only cared about Satsuki, until she disappeared and realizes she doesn’t want to live alone.

Yep, that moment has finally came. This is when Sorawo admits that she is happy to be with Toriko, which gets her excited. Yep, I think that she finally admits that she has fallen for her. While it took a while, but they finally got there. Either way, they leave the Urasekai and celebrate their rescue operation success with Akari and Kozakura at a Japanese BBQ restaurant.
Final Thoughts
Overall, Urasekai Picnic is an interesting story. Sure, a good amount of the creepy, scary, and downright horrifying moments, but the internet rumors, urban legends and creepypastas are interesting as Sorawo and Toriko explores the Urasekai. Sure, the animation was a bit rough at first, but I didn’t notice it too much as I become focused on the story. Still, there are some inconsistencies with how the director adapted the story. It’s notable with Toriko and Sorawo not saving the US forces until the end of the anime. In the source material, they rescued them and ended up in Okinawa.
Also, the characters are enjoyable. Sure, the relationship between Sorawo and Toriko develops slowly, but it’s obvious that they develop feelings for each other. It becomes apparent with Sorawo’s denial and of course her consideration of growing her hair out. Still, I think they make a cute pairing. Overall, if you are into creepy things or in it for the yuri, I think it’s worth checking out. I won’t mind a second season if it ever happens.
yeah. overall its a nice anime. lots of jumpscare and terrifying backsounds is a nightmare for most head/earphone users. i really want to know what happened to the soldiers afterwards but meh. still hoping for season 2 tho
Yes definitely. I hope there is a sequel of some sort, but I am not banking on it given how difficult it is to get one.