Now that Mashumairesh’s & Plasmagica’s joint performance was a success, it seems that they get to compete in a girls’ band field day competition. Yes, this sounds very similar to the one in the second season.

As expected, given Rejinsignal’s performance and of course, the field day uniforms, it’s a battle of the girls’ bands competition. Yes, this is very similar to the water sport meet girl band competition that Plasmagica and Criticristia participated together.

This time, it’s a competition between four girl bands, Rejinsignal, Criticristia, Mashumairesh, and Bud Virgin Logic. Yes, it’s been a very long time since we have seen BVL, one of the antagonist bands in the 2ndseason. With Aion eating at a ramen shop, it’s obvious that it deals with his little sister, Ailane. Sadly, Ailane doesn’t seem that she wants to be there.

Aside from introducing the bands, the competition involves field day events. This includes receiving the fewest balls in the basket. I find it funny how Delmin uses her beam to repel them. Of course, Rararin obviously targets Rosia and Ailane. It’s obvious who are the biggest losers in that event.

Of course, Rujuyu shined in the bun running race while Plasmagica has no problem with jump roping. As expected, Criticristia had no problem rolling a big ball, although Rosia isn’t pushing it obviously. Lastly, Cyan did good with the spoon and egg walking event. As expected, Retoree took a lot of pictures of Cyan winning the race.

At the end of the first round, Ailane struggled, and her band received 0 points. What is surprising is that Mashumairesh is only a few points behind Plasmagica. This is not bad considering it’s their first time participating in such an event. Still, it’s not too surprising to see Bud Virgin Logic having 0 points since Ailane is bad at every event.

With that, Ailane develops a dark aura. She eventually unleashes it after her band’s performance. Yes, to summon vines to restrain the opposing band members to “bring them to hell.” This kinds of make the competition unfair.

Thankfully, Cyan and Howan didn’t just stand there and did nothing. They use the power of music to bring Ailane back to her senses. As expected, Howan appeared that she is a bit too close to Ailane as she encourages her not to give up. Still, it’s surprising that Himeko didn’t give a reaction to this.

As expected, the final event basically makes the previous events pointless. I wonder where I see this kind of arrangement before. Either way, Delmin and Rufuyu of course manages to create a huge lead for Mashumairesh. Sadly, Himeko narrowed it and Howan completely lost it. At least they tried.

In the end, Ailane winning the race, making them the winner. I guess she doesn’t have to use her evil powers to win after all. Hopefully, her older brother, Aion will recognize her win.

Even so, it seems that the dark speaker monsters are causing chaos. Yes, they are the same ones that attacked Plasmagica. Still, I wonder how will deal with the end-game boss. We’ll see soon enough.
Not a big BUDVIRGINLOGIC fan but the way Ailane won the final race was amusing. We’ll either get the last Boy Band episode or a special one next time. Either one is fine by me.
I’m indifferent on the band, but it’s surprising to see her win in the end. Still, I wonder how the rest of the episodes will play out.