With the next Spring Tennoushou nears, it seems that Rice Shower is nowhere to be found. Yes, especially when she said that she won’t give up. It becomes obvious why.
As expected, McQueen continues her training, it’s obvious that Rice Shower wants to prove her haters wrong. Despite practicing with McQueen, she finds out that it will become an uphill battle. After all, she feels the need to win against her to prove her haters wrong.

In other words, Rice Shower played hooky for a few days as she focuses on training. Of course, Teio wonders why Rice Shower is nowhere to be found. As expected, Mihono knows where she went off to. Yes, it only took asking Hishi Amazon to find out where Rice Shower went to.
I must admit that I kind of find the idea of Rice Shower camping at an abandoned academy a fun idea. Yes, she even set up her tent, brought her camping supplies and a lot of running shoes. Yes, she even had a picture of McQueen carrying a beaten-up trainer as well, which is quite funny. Then again, this gives her a goal to strive for.

Eventually, Mihono found her to see what she is up to. After hearing words, Mihono becomes reminded of her master’s words of pushing the body to the limits.

After several day of training, the day of the Spring Tennoushou arrives. When McQueen head to the field, Rice Shower passed by her with a strange aura emitting from her. Of course, McQueen didn’t think much of it until the race. She becomes hesitant to get into the gates for some reason. Of course, she didn’t realize what is about to happen.

During the race, McQueen was in 2nd place for most of the time. Of course, Team Spica becomes a bit worried about her progress. The thing is, while the other horse girls focus on McQueen, there is one that is laser focused on her. Yes, it’s Rice Shower, It becomes apparent when McQueen took first place. Rice Shower is creeping up to her believing that she is not a heel, but a hero. She eventually overtook her, winning first place, thus McQueen ending up in second.

Of course, the audience is not happy that Rice Shower thwart McQueen’s win. Yes, despite her breaking a record, she received negative reception from the audience booing and jeering at her. As mentioned like last time, fanboys are going to be fanboys, thus haters going to hate. Thankfully, McQueen started applauding her win along with the others. In other words, they are telling the haters to shove it.

Sure, Rice Shower becomes upset over the audience being mean to her again. Thankfully, Mihono was there to cheer her up. Yes, she reminded her that if she wins more, the audience will eventually recognize her accomplishments. Most importantly, she reminded her that she will be there to cheer her on.

Aside from that, while Team Spica prepares for the party for McQueen, Gold Ship gave her two small branches to Teio. She wants her to bring McQueen over. This is when she finds out how McQueen felt about the race. Yep, she became a bit too overconfident. Thankfully, she openly admits it, which is something that Teio didn’t do for a while. Still, it’s obvious that Dictus looks forward to competing with McQueen. Hopefully, McQueen will learn from this defeat. Of course, with the Takurazuka Kinen, that is where Teio will make her grand return, hopefully.
I loved this 2-parter so much! Rice Shower is excellent and really hope her relationship with Mihono Bourbon grows stronger from here, not just as raivarus of course.
Yes, it’s nice that Rice Shower proved her haters wrong, even though they still going to hate. Yes, I agree that hopefully her relationship with Mihono will develop further.
Still, I think Rice Shower is a precious cinnamon bun