Now that McQueen fully recovered from her injury, she is planning to run at the Spring Tennoushou. McQueen finds out that Rice Shower is her rival. The thing is, she doesn’t want to run in that race. I wonder why?
As expected, McQueen had a nice comeback race after fully recovering. Of course, Rice Shower is at the race and of course, she becomes terrified by those words. Yes, the words she heard when she beats Mihono in the last episode and ruining her chances of obtaining the Triple Crown. It becomes obvious why, which Rice Shower eventually reveals.

On the other hand, it seems that McQueen is now in the spotlight. Yes, the spotlight that Teio used to occupy until she lost the race against McQueen badly. Of course, McQueen learns about Rice Shower in the magazine being her potential competition. After all, Rice Shower’s management already declared her imminent victory, which seems a bit premature. Still, it’s obvious that McQueen is up to the challenge.

I must admit that I kind of feel bad for Rice Shower. When McQueen met her for the first time, Rice Shower admits that she doesn’t want to race in the Spring Tennoushou or race anymore as she runs away. It’s obvious that she is very timid. Even so, she obviously has a crush on Mihono. She just wanted to win so that her crush would recognize her. That can explain why she stalked her during her training sessions. Also, her name supposed to give her good fortune. Sadly, those salty fans turned it into something negative.

Still, it’s kind of sad that her reputation gets dragged in the mud. After all, she thought that by beating Mihono, she will receive all the praise. Sadly, the opposite happens as she receives scorn. Yes, those fans in the audience acting a bit entitled since they really want Mihono to win and earn the Triple Crown. Sadly, they are wrong, especially since Mihono is not entitled to the win, she must earn it. Still, I don’t think Rice Shower deserves the bad reputation of a heel wrestler because their horse girl didn’t win. She won fair and square after all.
Despite Team Spica finding out what happened to Rice Shower, she still won’t change her mind. She runs away after she revealed what happened. Of course, Teio isn’t giving up.

Of course, that moment with Teio confronting Mihono is an important moment. This is not too surprising since they both experienced losing their chance at the Triple Crown for similar reasons. Thankfully, Mihono realized that she worked too hard to make her master happy. Now, she has a different goal, and it involves Rice Shower.

I find it funny how Mihono and Teio go on a wild goose chase to convince Rice. Sure, she won’t change her mind as she hides. When she heard other horse girls looking forward to Rice Shower to run in the race, she starts to reconsider. That is until Mihono and Teio catches up to her. Then she reverted to not wanting to do it because she is afraid that she will receive the same hate. She also revealed that she tried so hard to beat Mihono since she wanted her to recognize her and receive the praise.

She was in the defeatist mood until Mihono stepped in saying that Rice Shower is her hero since she too considered giving up racing. In a way, Mihono is telling Rice Shower to ignore the haters and just do it for her. After all, haters going to hate. That is until that she said that she wants to race Rice Shower as a rival.

Either way, this goal sounds very familiar to the one Teio makes in the last episode. Thankfully, this was enough for Rice Shower to change her mind after finding out how Mihono feels. I guess we just need the relationship upgrade next.
Blasted entitled fanboys. Such wastes of flesh.
Fingers crossed Bourbon X Rice grow stronger over time.
Fanboys in general are a waste of time. Still, I am curious how the Rice Shower and Mihono Bourbon pairing will play out.