With the aftermath of Yuri sacrificing herself, Riri breaks down, especially since she also receives a punishment, which adds to her misery.
It’s true, it seems that the show killed Yuri off. While the lilies had some type of funeral, Riri receives a punishment. That is kind of cruel since Riri didn’t do anything wrong. It’s basically an overreaction from the government thinking Yuri is not human. Not only that, who wouldn’t react the same way as Riri did to protect their loved ones from harm. Besides, Moyu gave proof that Yuri is 100 percent human after all.
Sadly, they want to set an example. The academy punishes Yuri by putting her in solitary confinement where she can’t meet anyone for a week. However, the school allowed Yuyu to meet with her for 10 minutes.
Obviously, she wants to check up on her, until she notices the four-leaf clover hair tie is missing during the battle. This gives Yuyu the idea to find it. After all, Riri could go down the same path Yuyu did by keeping all her feelings in, which worries her. Yes, it took a while for Yuyu to accept reality on what happened to Misuzu.

As expected, Yuyu and her team went back to the beach to find Riri’s hair tie. I liked how Fumi and Mariam combined their rare skills to find their hair tie. On the second day, Mariam with Fumi’s and Shinlin’s rare skills to give everyone the Hawk’s Eye ability. Kaede somehow finds it on the beach, but it’s unrecognizable. However, she keeps it a secret for obvious reasons.
She eventually enlists Rokkaku Shiori’s help to use her workshop to make a replica of Riri’s hair tie. After all, one of the attacks from the Huge destroyed Riri’s hair tie. As expected, Kaede can’t give it to her in that condition. Not only that, this would make her more depressed if she handed her that.

In other words, Kaede had her team continue their fruitless search for the remaining 5 days. After all, she needs the time to make the hair tie. Still, it’s kind of funny how everyone at the academy decides to help Yuyu’s team. Yes, Kaede intentionally placed the hair tie in the ocean so she can have the epic “I found it” moment.

Meanwhile, while this is happening, Riri is still depressed. She had a flashback of Yuri staring at Riri’s four leaf clover hair tie. It’s obvious that it has a sentimental value since her father bought it for her before she came to the academy. Yuri wants to go with Riri to buy something and she promised. Sadly, you know what happened to Yuri unfortunately.

At last, Riri is finally out of detention, still all depressed until she sees everyone, including her friends. Kaede presents Riri her hair tie. However, she notices that it’s not the real one as it looked too perfect.

Eventually, Kaede eventually hands her the old one after Yuyu gave her a nasty look. Of course, it was burnt to the crisp. This is when Kaede revealed that she remade it after finding the old one all damaged. It’s obvious that Kaede really cares about Riri since she doesn’t want to see her sad. Eventually, Riri hugs Kaede and thanks her. I guess this is the reaction Kaede is looking for to one up Yuyu.

While Riri is happy, she started tearing up. It seems that she hasn’t gotten over the loss of Yuri from last time. Yuyu eventually tells her not to hold it in and just let it out. After all, she doesn’t want Riri to become like her and live life with regret over her bereavement. After all, nobody could have prevented what happened with Yuri.
In the end, Riri eventually let out her feelings and eventually come to Yuri’s grave with Yuyu. She even pays respects to Misuzu until Yuyu saw a ghost of her. This only leaves more questions about what happened to her.

Meanwhile, Moyu shared her research about the recovered Charm to the headmaster that is embedded in the Huge. Yes, it’s the one Riri’s legion managed to recover and defeat the huge. They wonder how this Charm influenced the Huge. Apparently, that Charm had two owners, which is Yuyu and of course, Misuzu. Is this the reason why the Huge got so strong or that Yuyu see a ghost of her? We’ll find out next time.