While investigating an abandoned research ship, Riri finds a strange egg. I wonder what it is.
Hitotsuyanagi Squad is investigating a huge attack on a ship. Apparently, a Huge collapsed there since it ran out of Magie. While Riri investigates the scene, she sees an egg-shaped thing. After sticking her Charm near it, it sparked.

When Fumi ask what is wrong, she sees a girl come up to Riri. Riri didn’t notice until she sees the girl cling on to her. Of course, the girl has no memories, which makes me wonder if a Huge captured her and wiped her memories or is a research experiment. I have a feeling it might be the latter since the organization that is calling the academy’s headmaster apparently wants the girl, especially since the girl is a lily. This makes my speculation of the girl’s origins very plausible.
Either way, Riri finds out from Moyu that the girl she found is in fact a Lily. She even has the same skiller level as Riri, which is a coincidence. Still, it’s obvious that Riri has an obligation to look after her. After all, she was the one that found her.

Still, it’s cute that she tugged on Riri’s shirt when she realized she has a drill tomorrow. It’s obvious that the girl doesn’t want her to leave. I guess it’s thanks to Riri’s Charisma skill or her Charm. After all, it sparked for a moment. Still, it seems that everyone in the Hitotsuyanagi Squad is okay with it. Still, I find it funny how Yuyu shows some feelings of jealousy and Kaede notices it. After all, she experienced it so many times when Riri is with Yuyu.

Eventually, Riri unites with Yuyu after missing her. It’s obvious that Riri is like the mystery girl’s mom. Still, it’s nice to see the girl make a quick recovery thanks to Riri. Not only that, but she also eventually comes and sit next to Yuyu. Yep, it looks like Riri have a new member. Still, it’s cute to see her say Yuyu’s name and she was wearing the uniform. It’s obvious that she is now a new student at the academy.

Still, it’s funny that Riri named her Yuri after she eats a scone. It’s not too surprising since Riri called her Yuri as a temporary name. I guess it’s her name now. Still, it’s quite fitting since it’s Riri’s and Yuyu’s couple name. Yep, Yuri is like Yuyu’s and Riri’s daughter now just like with Nanoha and Fate with Vivio. It seems that the Riri and Yuyu pairing keeps getting better as Kaede goes into despair. Either way, it should be interesting to see what happens next and what Charm Yuri will get.
YuRi and their daughter Yuri. Ya gotta love it!
Bless Kaede. Bless her so very much.
Interested in the growing mysteries but until the answers are found I shall relish they yuri family.
Surely, the YuRi pairing will get even stronger. Still, I am curious what skills Yuri will have and her Charm. Maybe we’ll find out soon enough.
Looking forward to seeing their baby girl in action.