As they say, it’s best to learn from your enemy. This is what Hoho has in mind after Tone give the suggestion to Ino, Hayu, and Hemo to look at Cream Amitsu’s performance. It’s obvious where this is going, right?
At last, Hemo ask Chiko for a favor. Yep, she asks about Roko, but it’s obvious that she wants Chiko to invite Fruit Tart to see their live performance. It’s obvious that she would accept, but Nua doesn’t seem amused. Even Riri is going along wth it too.

It’s obvious that Chiko’s obsession over her older sister creeps out Nua. At the same time, I find it funny how Rua knows Nua’s obsession for Roko. Yes, Nua and Chiko have some things in common. Yes, she even mentions that Nua got her to pretend to be Broko. It’s obvious that she is blushing. Admit it, she is a big fan of Roko. Of course, Rua also happens to find Fruit Tart cute despite being their rivals.

Either way, Hoho announced the big news that Fruit Tart will observe Cream Amitsu. Of course, Roko is against it because of obvious reasons. Yes, her younger sister that treats Roko as a little sister. Also, she wonders why Tone is there. It’s obvious that she is helping them out. After all, she is a big fan of Fruit Tart. Still, I find it halarious how she says that Ino is “quite the player.” Not too surprising since Ino is into girls. But yes, Hoho taunts Roko by trying to give the thing she desires the most.

At the event, they arrived at the arena. Chiko walks up to Roko and obsess over and taunting her. Obviously, Roko is not having any of it. Of course, Tone is happy to see Cream Amitsu since she is a big idol fangirl.

Still, I find it funny how Roko makes a sly remark that she is jealous of Riri and she denies it. It’s obvious that Hoho secretly likes Riri. With that, Chiko thinks that Roko is jealous because of her height. Of course, Roko outright admits that she isn’t. After all, she would rather experience Nina’s fluffiness than have them. I find it halarious how Chiko can’t do the same for Nua and Rua for obvious reasons.

Of course, Ino wants to take Chiko’s and Nua’s place. Sadly, Roko refuses and it’s obvious why. It’s obvious that Ino wants Roko to hug her, but her breasts aren’t as big compared to Nina’s.

Thankfully, Tone understands as she thinks that Ino’s charm is not in the breasts, but in the thighs. Yep, she understands the appeal of thick thighs. After all, Atelier Ryza sold a lot of copies because the main character, Reisalin Stout have thick thighs just like Ino. So, Ino shouldn’t worry too much trying to attract other girls with her figure since Hayu thinks it’s great. Of course, Hemo likes Ino no matter what.

With that, Ino and Roko watches Cream Amitsu’s performance for the first time. Yes, her younger sister’s performance touched Roko. Yes, Roko was about to admit that until she became upset over how tall she is and her breast size. I guess Roko will never admit that she enjoyed her little sister’s performance.

Of course, Chiko calls Roko on the stage. When did Roko became the leader of the group? She resisted at first, but she eventually went on stage with the others. When Chiko ask her to say something cute, she says “she loves loco moco.” Of course, there is crickets, but boy that is embarrassing. To make matters worse, the other members aren’t good at saying cute things. I guess Fruit Tart really needs to learn what to say to their audience. After all, they have a radio show coming up soon.
It was a bad idea to watch this episode after midnight. Containing my laughter was very difficult.
So much to love. The girls are all weirdo lesbians and I can’t get enough of most of them. The twins didn’t impress me so far. They have another chance next time but currently I only care about Chiko.
I meant kooky, not weirdos.
This episode was definitely a really funny one, especially given the title of the episode. It seems that mostly everyone, probably besides Hayu are perverts, which shouldn’t be a surprise at all.
Hayu’s definitely the purest lesbian on the show so far.