After Tiara and her friends fell short of meeting their goals, the academy expelled them. Now that Tiara makes a return trip back, Rosetta and the others don’t know what to do next.
From last time, it appears that flying over through different districts caused them not to receive credit for their performance. In the end, they only received 67%, way below than the 72% they need.

I have a feeling that Chloe didn’t tell them all the rules to set them up to fail. After all, it’s part of the plan as a carriage to pick up Tiara shows up the next day. After all, Tiara’s sister, Eliza was totally against her attending this academy. This is a way to have Tiara go back home against her will. Still, it’s unfortunate that Rosetta, Lynette, Ashley, and Lavie became collateral damage from this.
With that, Rosetta, Lynette, Ashley, and Lavie finds out the secret that Tiara hid from them. No, she is not a noble, but a princess named Tiara Victoria Lex Waleland. Yes, that is a mouthful, but it’s obvious that she is not an ordinary girl. Either way, it’s obvious that things got so dire that Eliza wants her home. It becomes apparent when Tiara saw a town ravaged by magical monsters.

Meanwhile, it seems that Rosetta and her friends have nowhere to go. Also, it seems that their classmates felt upset over their expulsion. I sympathize with them given that I felt the same way when Aniplex USA decided to shut down the English Magia Record server. Yes, the girls became really upset, especially seeing how good LiGHTs’s performance was. As expected, Yue seems indifferent over the whole thing.

With that, it seems that Rosetta and her friends feel lost on what to do next. With that, they finally find a place to stay temporarily thanks to Ratura. However, they had to work in the restaurant. Of course, Lavie messes up the orders and Ashley accidentally drop a plate. Also, she seems to have tooth pain she is trying to hide. Even Ange couldn’t heal it since it was a wisdom tooth. Yes, Ashley had to have it pulled, which looks like a traumatic experience.

Of course, it seems that Rosetta is leaving too. After three days, Lynette, Ashley, and Lavie felt all alone. Thankfully, they meet the girls they teamed up for the bump ball tornament, which gives them inspiration to follow Rosetta. As expected, Rosetta is actually going to Bristol to find Tiara. Yes, she keeps this a secret, but I have a feeling that this would happen. This makes me wonder what will happen next time when they get there. We’ll find out next time.