With Tama and Yomi finally united, they started creating their own tea. However, it seems that the baseball club has a dark past.

When Yoshino finally hands the teacher signup forms, she finds out what happen to the baseball club. Apparently, the club went on hiatus after a scandal. This makes me wonder what is this scandal that caused the club to die. Still, two of the old members still remain. This makes me curious of what happened that the club to go into hiatus.
Yomi eventually notices the two girls. They are the same ones that was looking at Yomi pitching a ball with other girls last time. While one girl says that she can’t help, this makes me wonder that they are hiding something.

Eventually, two girls were at the field too. Yes, they are also first year students that went to a school in a nearby prefecture. Yoshino became excited after hearing what schools they went to. Their names are Fujita Sumire, who played second base and Kawasaki Ryo who played shortstop. Yep, Yoshino even touch their muscles at their thighs. With that, they now have five players.
Still, Yoshino wonders about that club scandal. Does it have to do with violence. Eventually, those two girls from yesterday finally shows up. Apparently, Yomi told them that she joined the baseball club when the girl started to yell at them. She thinks that Yomi and the others aren’t taking baseball seriously.

Either way, those upper-class students are 2nd year students. They are Okada Rei and Fujiwara Risa. After Yoshino becomes excited after overhearing their names, Rei reveals that the club at their current school used to be really strong. Sadly, things took a turn in recent years with harsh training and treatment.

In other words, the school team is banned from playing in competitions and put on hiatus. As a result, people ended up quitting and transfer to different schools. Rei and Risa are the only members left and they are playing in other leagues. Before they left, Yomi ask if they can hit her pitch.

While Rei had trouble hitting it in the first three pitches, she manages to hit it on the last. Yoshino couldn’t even catch it, but instead fell over. Sure, Yomi seems disappointed, but Rei and Risa eventually gives in and joins the team. It’s bound to happen given how dedicated the girls are, especially Yomi. With that, the baseball club is now back, but will they bounce back from the scandal? We have to wait and see.

Four more lovely players and pairs of thighs to gush over. Yoshino knows what’s up.
Good thing Rei and Risa’s drama didn’t last long.
Ryo and Sumire are a nice couple. Most likely the HimaSaku of the show.
Miss Fuji is good. Very good indeed.
Yep, Yoshino has good sense. But aside from that, it’s good that the drama didn’t last long. I don’t blame them since the members could only handle the poor treatment before they snapped.