Now that Chiyu finally came back to her senses, is she able to bring back Paero? Also, who is actually Paero anyway?
After Rei apologizes to Chiyu, Chiyu finally reveals that she told Paero off when she was upset. She told Paero that she was useless. With that, Rei drags Chiyu to find her while Rokka rides on Masuki’s bike to the city Paero lives in.

From Masuki interrogating students from a nearby middle school, we find out Paero’s true identity. She is actually a girl named Nyubara Reona, a second-year middle school student. It’s kind of unbelievable given how tall she is. Believe it or not, she is a bright girl who is a vice president of a club and class representative. However, she doesn’t talk very much. I wonder why? Still, when Masuki and Rokka went to her house, Reona ran away. It’s obvious why.

With that, we finally learn about Paero’s back story. While she is good at various activities, it seems as if something is missing. However, we find out that she is a big fan of Pastel Palettes with all the merchandise in her room.

Chiyu eventually finds Reona after uploading a video of her playing the piano. In the comments, she saw someone ask her to audition. She did just that. While Reona impresses Chiyu with her skills, she wants something a bit more from her. On the following day, Reona went to Chiyu’s house and sees a bunch of cute clothing Chiyu’s mother bought for her daughter. Chiyu came up with a cute coordinate for Reona. Thus, this starts the birth of Paero, which is the more cheerful and cuter side of Reona. From there, Reona starts getting really close to Chiyu.

While Masuki tries to convince Reona not to quit since she brings cuteness to the band, Reona won’t change her mind. Rokka does the same. It’s not until Chiyu comes to apologize to her that Reona finally went back to her usual self while apologizing for abandoning her. Not only that, it appears that she is even closer to Chiyu now that she openly confesses to her. This is especially the case when the band performed a song for Chiyu for her birthday. Apparently, Reona was the one who wrote the song.
Aside from bringing a gift to Poppin Party over the troubles an apology gift, it’s nice that Chiyu is finally softening up. It shows when she is willing to do a fist pump with her band members. Sure, she will be her usual self, but it’s nice that she is finally defrosting for the better.
In the end, it appears that Roselia kept the top spot. However, there is a big surprise. Poppin’ Party caught up that they tied with RAISE A SUILEN in 2nd. This makes me wonder how the next two episodes will play out. We’ll find out soon enough.
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