Now that Sana is part of the team, Iroha finds out from her that she knows about Nemu. However, Iroha doesn’t seem to know where she is.

It’s quite surprising that we got a glimpse of Tsukuyo’s school life. She apparently plays string instruments after school. Apparently, Iroha decides to interrogate her after hearing from Sana about Nemu.
Apparently, the Wings of Magus came into the Rumor’s labyrinth, meaning that Sana knew about her name. Sadly, she doesn’t know her where Nemu is. Or worse, she could be part of the Wings of Magus.

That said, Iroha gains the courage to interrogate Tsukuyo. Iroha grab her by the arms and even threaten her by telling that she would reveal her identity. She eventually agreed and talked at the café. Tsukuyo talked about her twin sister, Tsukasa who is her younger sister. However, she won’t allow Iroha to see Nemu. Iroha becomes desperate since she wants to find her little sister, Ui. Tsukuyo eventually gives in and ask Mifiyu about this first. I wonder why.

Aside from that, Iroha, Sana, Tsuruno, and Felicia plans a surprise for Yachiyo. They want to buy matching coasters to show that they are a part of the team. Sure, Yachiyo doesn’t think this way as we find out when Mifuyu comes over. More on that later.

The next day, Mifuyu comes over to Yachiyo’s house. I kind of have grievances towards her not because of how she treats Yachiyo later on and try to manipulate Iroha and her friends. No, it’s mostly because Mifuyu spooked me when I tried to pull for Ultimate Madoka. But still, there is more to her that we will find out that isn’t that present about her. Also, Iroha became a bit uncomfortable when Mifuyu went into Yachiyo’s china cabinet to take out mugs.
Apparently, she invites Iroha and her friends to go to the memory museum to learn more about the Wings of Magus. It’s obvious that Mifuyu is trying to recruit Iroha and her friends into their movement.

Even so, Yachiyo doesn’t seem interested in this. Not only that, she doesn’t treat Iroha, Tsuruno, Felicia and Sana as friends, but merely roommates. I wonder why? Is it because of something that Mifuyu did? We’ll find out soon enough.

Of course, Iroha and her friends excluding Yachiyo went to the memory museum. Little Kyubey finally shows up. They eventually arrive at their destination, but a little bit late. We finally see Touka and apparently, she is part of the Wings of Magus to Iroha’s despair. Also, we see Momoko and Rena meet each other talking about something important. Is this why Kaede is acting funny? This can explain everything.
The twin trying to sneak past Iroha in vain was the best part of the episode. Hilarious. #SHAFTTILT
Yachiyo’s Witch “friend” was creepy, especially because she appeared outta nowhere. No typical American jump scare loud noise at all. Nicely done.
not surprised Touka is one of the head Magius. She immediately seemed like a holier than thou child genius villain in her flashback introduction.
I suspect Ui is either another head Magius or Mini-Kyubey. I’m sure you know the truth already but please be patient.
Feel bad for Momoko’s group. So miserable all the time.
It’s obvious that Tsukuyo is trying to hide something, but I have a feeling that the Magus is hiding something.
Yes, it’s quite obvious that Yachiyo’s you know what will be creepy. But it’s not too surprising that Touka is one of the Magus. This makes me wonder if Nemu, which is in the flashbacks are part of it too.
Yes, the cold truth is coming, but hopefully Rena is ready for it.