Oh no! The Rumor of the Friendship Ending Padlock took Kaede away to the staircase. Will Rena resolve her differences with her?
Last time, Kaede decided to look for Rena and apologized to her for breaking up with her. Of course, because of the rumor, it took Kaede away. Rena soon have feelings of regrets this and appears to want Kaede to come back.

Before Iroha came to help Momoko and Rena out to rescue Kaede, she remembers another thing. Apparently, in a flashback, she remembers the two friends Ui made at the hospital. Yes, they are Satomi Touka and Hiiragi Nemu. While they are smart, they get into fights often. Instead getting into an argument over a card game, Touka decides to burn a pile of books with a new toy and cause a big mess. Either way, Ui is sitting there helpless as they break up again. Still, I have to admit that Ui and her friends are adorable.

Aside from that, Iroha came back to the city and we finally see Momoko with her hair down. While it’s messy, she does look pretty compared to it being tied to a ponytail. Apparently, Mitama usually does her hair. Are we now shipping Mitama with Momoko? I think that Mitama and Izumi Kanagi might make a better pairing, but who knows.

Apparently, she was helping out a magical girl named Kozue Mayu, who showed up as a cameo. Yachiyo appears, but surprisingly, she doesn’t give much resistance to Iroha’s presence. This is despite her warning Iroha not to return to Kamihama City. Does she have a change of heart? Maybe as she decides to help Momoko, and Rena out to rescue Kaede. With Mitama adjusting Iroha’s soul gem, maybe she stand a better chance this time.

To trigger the rumor, Yachiyo and Momoko tries to fake their breakup and apologize. It didn’t work since obviously, it’s fake. Either way, like the game, Reina eventually apologizes although she is reluctant. It shows since she a tsundere, thus she can’t be honest about her feelings. However, they somehow made it to the rumor.

Surprisingly, Kaede is safe and not brainwashed by the rumor. Rena and Kaede settled their differences and help defeat the Rumor of the Friendship Ending Staircase together. In the end, Rena becomes lovestruck as she became friends with Kaede again. As expected, the rumor didn’t leave any grief seed behind. It’s obvious that Yachiyo is after them.

In the end, Rena infiltrates the hospital. She finds out the hospital discharged Nemu and Touka. Sadly, nobody knew their current whereabouts. I guess Iroha’s search for her younger sister continues. Also, Mami decides to investigate Kamihama now too. My only guess is that Iroha will confront her eventually.

As shown last time being friends with or dating a tsundere is hard work.
The show continues to amaze with its excellent animation.
Hopefully Mami will keep her head on tight this time.
I guess this is kind of Rena’s fault. Hopefully she will defrost eventually. But yes, Mami doesn’t suffer a bad fate like she did in the third episode. Unfortunately for Nagisa, well it’s kind of too late for her.
Who knows? Maybe there is a Nagisa for her in this timeline too.
There is a possibility.