In a dream, Iroha finally remembers her wish and her little sister’s name, Ui. However, she doesn’t know if this is a fake memory or not. She decides to go back to Kamihama City to investigate more.

Compared to the video game, there is some obvious differences. Kyubey starts questioning Iroha’s memories. Also, when Iroha returned to the city the second time, Yachiyo does not stop her. Instead, Iroha went into the witch barrier. She faces off against a sheep witch named Rebecca. As expected, it is scarier than something cute as a Wooloo.

Iroha finds another magical girl, Kaede that is trying to run away from the witch. She eventually landed into a web with Iroha. Momoko and Rena eventually had to save them while dealing with Rebecca. Of course, Rena puts down Kaede for not being reliable. Eventually, a rolling Rebecca came at Kaede and Iroha and hit them, knocking them unconscious. This is different from Iroha managing to find little Kyubey and then the sandbox witch knocking her out.

Thankfully, Rena and Momoko saved Iroha and brought her to the coordinator. Sadly, Mitama wasn’t there at all. Either way, Momoko instead of Yachiyo explained the rumor of the break up rule. If you want to know, the rumor activates when two friends break up and then apologizes. The person who apologizes disappears.

This rumor started when Rena called Kaede’s wish of saving her family garden stupid. Kaede ended up breaking her relationship as a result. I am not surprised by how many times they stopped being friends. After all, Rena is a tsundere.

When Kaede wanted to apologize, she looked for her with Iroha in the arcade. Of course, Rena disguised herself as a certain cute and best silver-haired shy girl. It didn’t take long for Kaede to figure out it was Rena. When Kaede apologize, the rumor took her away from Rena.

Sure, the differences are more obvious in this episode with the exclusion of Yachiyo, I expect to see her next time trying to hunt down the rumor. Also, it appears that Rena is trying to help Iroha a bit earlier than before. Still, I wonder if Yachiyo will end up challenging Iroha or when little Kyubey will appear again. Even so, I have to admit that Kaede is adorable. Momoko is not bad, although people don’t like her because she spooks some players of Magia Record.
The mystery of Ui’s whereabouts is an intriguing one. The new magical girls are neat, especially Momoko. Lovely blonde, she is.
Rena X Kaede are so a couple or will become one. This episode showed us how difficult it can be hanging out with a tsundere.
Definitely, but yes, Momoko looks pretty despite the spooks. Also, I agree that Rena and Kaede is a nice couple. Rena just needs to defrost a bit.