Last time, while Mile and her friends are saving the professor being held in the ruins, they ran into an elder dragon. The dragon took out Mile with the wrack of its tail. Is she a goner or not?
From last time, Mile got a bit too overconfident when she faced off an elder dragon. If you remember, she wished to have average powers. In other words, she has half of the power from an elder dragon. In other words, she is underpowered and doesn’t stand a chance against it.

While Mile is unconscious, it’s nice to take a glimpse of her life if she didn’t decide to reincarnate herself or leave her former friends behind. While she is about to give up over the fear of dying again, she remembers promise she made with Reina, Mavis and Pauline. She can’t simply leave them behind. After all, leaving them behind while they try to distract the elder dragon is like betraying them.

With that, Mile got up as her friends became exhausted. I find it amazing how she manages to land a hit on the elder dragon. It’s thanks to her ability to use nano machines that can power up her magic. Not only that, the elder dragon she faced wasn’t the strongest.

Sadly, two more showed up. While all three overwhelmed her, she manages to survive. By combining her two past selves, she was able to defeat all three dragons. Of course, her friends and Cu seems shocked by Mile’s powerful magic. In the end, the dragons revealed that they are investigating a failed civilization.
From the carvings on the wall, it resembles human society in the present time. The elder dragons are using beast people to help out with the investigation. Still, Mile wonders the reason why they are looking into it, but they won’t tell. Even she asks Nano, but he couldn’t reveal anything. Moreover, the God won’t reveal much when Mile’s former real-life self is about to be reincarnated. I guess this will remain a mystery.

In the end, Crimson’s Vow reputation increased from completing the quest. Not only that, they earned a lot of money. One night, Mile feels conflicted about revealing the fact that she is reincarnated. She decides to run away to do the investigation on her own. As expected, her friends followed her. I guess they are worried about Mile.

Apparently, Mile wants to investigate what the elder dragon is after. She believes it’s too dangerous for her friends to go with her. Still, they decide to go with her anyway. After all, they made a promise to stay together. Will Mile find out the truth behind her reincarnation. Only time can tell.
Final Impressions
Watashi Nouryoku wa Heikinchi de tte Itta you ne is an enjoyable fantasy adventure story. Sure, it has some clichés seen in isekai genre stories. Of course, this show pokes fun at some of them. Besides the protagonist being female with her backstory being a strange version of Cinderella, Mile is an overachiever and an otaku unlike other male protagonists from the same genre. Her otaku tendencies with various references to idols, anime, and manga makes her a fun character. As always, she is overpowered, which is to be expected despite her desire to live a normal life.
As for the characters and story, I enjoyed it. I liked the rest of the girls in the main cast. Not only that, their backstories are interesting. Sure, each one has a dark past, except for Mavis of course. To me, it’s interesting to learn about them as it’s part of their character development while seeing some kind of resolution throughout the series. That is except for Mile of course. Even so, I like the main cast and as always, Pauline and Reina are the most enjoyable in my opinion.
Despite the story making some changes and deviations from the source material that caused some viewers to have mixed feelings, to me, I don’t mind. I wouldn’t mind another season so we can see more of the adventures of Crimson Vow. Not only that, I would like to see some resolution to the troubles Mile faced in the past.
Not a groundbreaking Isekai but it didn’t need to be. Twas a fun show with enjoyable references and a lovable main cast. Mile’s yuri harem power along with Mile X Reina and Mavis X Pauline were my highlights.
Indeed, the show is still enjoyable despite the not being groundbreaking, although I enjoy the references. Also, the pairings and characters are nice as always.