Rin is struggling to find the remaining members. Will she be able to find two more? Also, Rin also goes on a so-called date with Misa.
Rin really knows how to lure potential members. For the fourth member, she and Misa managed to move the Orcano into the gym shed. A certain girl went into the shed and uncovered it. It’s obvious that she wants to play around with it. Her name is apparently Kiriko. Rin will allow her to play around with the Orcano as much she wants if she joins. In other words, it didn’t take much for Kiriko to join.

At last, Rin has all the members she needs. Not exactly since the student council president Shinshijuin Fumika gives Rin some tough love. However, when Rin mentions Kaguya, Fumika seems motivated. She will join if Rin can beat Kaguya. It seems that Fumika wants to get back at Kaguya since her family is a lower rank, although related. Either way, Rin’s jet ski club is now official.

Rin seems happy that the club is official that she shares the news to Misa. When she told her, Misa realized that she just joined the club through a misunderstanding. Misa decides to join anyway since she doesn’t want to hurt Rin’s feelings. With that, they meet to figure out the goals, which includes winning the Kandagawa Cup. Since Rin and Misa almost came close to beating Kaguya, more training might do the trick. Either way, Misa put Rin on a training regimen.

After a week of training, Misa asks Rin if she is free on the weekend. Apparently, she wants to take her to Asakusa. You know what this means, right? A date? Yes. Sadly, while they thought they will have a good date, they somehow got separated. Not only that, they don’t have each other’s phone numbers. Opps!

Rin tries looking for Misa, but she runs into two familiar girls. They are Emily Orange and Jennifer Peach. They seem to love Japanese culture as they drag Rin around. Rin tries to excuse herself, but she has a hard time doing so, until Misa shows up.

Sure, Misa’s date is ruined, but at least Rin bought souvenirs. That is until Jennifer started fighting over it with Misa. The only way to settle this is of course a race. Sure, Rin gets dragged into this, this can become valuable experience. We’ll see who wins this fight next time.
Rin’s secret weapon having an effect on Fumika shows how powerful her cuteness is.
Misa simply cannot say no to Rin. She likes her way too much. Rin is as lucky as she is.
Emily is so nice. Jennifer is too but Emily…yeeeeeeeeessssss.
Looking forward to the 2nd race next episode!
It’s obvious that the girls can’t say no after seeing Rin’s cuteness since it’s unresistable. Still, the next race should be exciting.