Six months passed since Mile and her friends started their studies in the academy. Now, graduation nears and the academy is threatened with a shutdown. A certain perpetrator is behind it. What will they do?

It seems that this episode had a time skip since that quest. With that, Mile’s time with her room mates are coming to an end, or is it? Apparently not since Reina, Pauline and Mavis doesn’t know what to do after graduation. With that, they decided to form a party together and Mile agrees to. In other words, they created a vow to stay together. In other words, Mile created a female harem of her own.

Before the last day of class, the principal asks Mile and her friends to do a favor. Apparently, he wants them to participate. Apparently, they need to win in order to save the academy. Of course, there is also Arledy making a bargain for Mile. If Mile concedes defeat, she can save the academy. However, she would have to give up her freedom and become part of her harem. It’s quite obvious what she is trying to do here.

Of course, when it comes to the actual matches, it seems that Mile’s training her friends paid off from last time. Mavis, Pauline and Reina easily beaten Arledy’s party members rather easily. With that, Mile can’t hold back this time considering that they have a perfect win. While Arledy faced off Mile and saw her strength, she made a fatal mistake. She mentions Mile’s flat chest. Mile becomes triggered and use her most powerful ability. Thankfully, she redirected the spell to the sky, which created fireworks instead.

In the end, Arledy surrenders, thus Mile’s party won. Arledy and her party members are carted off to jail as guild members beg them to join. Of course, they won’t since they already made the vow. With that, they decide their party name as Crimson Vow.

Even so, I like how Pauline took the prototypes of all the figurines of the party members and sell them. Not only that, crowds of people are asking for autographs. I guess Mile’s desire to live an average life isn’t going so well since they are now like idols. Either way, it should be interesting to see their first quest they do as an actual hunting party.
Goodbye Mile’s Honeys, hello Crimson Vow. Good stuff once more!
The start of Mile’s harem, but I wonder how their first quest will turn out.