Now the race is on. You might be wondering who will win the race? It’s quite obvious by now.
From last time, Rin challenges Kaguya and Kuromaru to a race. Of course, Rin drags Misa to pair up. During the race, we learn about the rules. The objective is to do two laps while the shooters hinder their opponents. This includes aiming for the body suit. When they take enough damage, it will come off. In other words, the water gun attacks will hurt more. Second is aiming for the jet ski. While a successful hit adds to the points, if one takes too much damage, the jet ski’s performance will become severely limited.

As for the race, while the odds are stacked against Rin and Misa, they managed to take the lead towards the end. That is until Kuromaru hit a critical part of Rin’s and Misa’s jet ski that severely limited their performance. In other words, Kaguya and Kuromaru managed to win.

This is not too surprising given how much training they receive from their coach. If only Misa knew about that boost mode, maybe they could have won. Sadly, since her mother used jet skis without that mode, I can see why Rin didn’t use it at all.

In the end, there is no negative effects from losing. After all, different jet ski racing clubs reserve the times in advance. The only problem is that the school Rin is going to do not have such a club. In other words, even if Rin and Misa want to participate in a jet ski racing competition, they won’t be able to reserve time for practice.

In other words, Rin sets out her quest to create a club. It’s a daunting task since she needs five members to make it official. Since it’s the middle of the semester, this is tough as mostly everyone decided on what clubs to join. However, she manages to get an advisor and a club manager. She also convinces Misa to join, although she is reluctant to do so at first. Even so, Rin is short of two members. Will Rin manage to find them to make the club official? We’ll find out next time.
Aside from that, I have to admit that the picture story Rin created about her club forming journey is cute.
It’s only a matter of time before Misa succumbs to Rin and lets her inside her heart.
Kuromaru and Kaguya are very nice to look at champions to beat as expected.
Rin is quite the seductress, yes.
Looking forward to the Foreigners’ return next time.
Not too surprising at all since Misa obviously have a thing for Rin. Still, it’s quite amazing how Rin convinced the teacher and Hina just like that.
Her cuteness is magnificent.