In Shamiko’s quest to become stronger, Shion wants to perform some experiments on her. Will Momo allow it?
Somehow, Shamiko woke up late as she takes a slice of bread and runs to school. I find it funny how Lilith insists Shamiko in using her Crisis Management Form. If she transformed, she would make it to school. Instead, she decided to go to school late. It’s obvious that the outfit of the transformed form is still too embarrassing for her.

With that, we see some more training with Shamiko and Momo. It’s intense since Momo measured her muscle mass, and made a special magical shake to make her stronger. She also watched a health show that scared the crap out of Shamiko. Still, the part that is hilarious is Shamiko begging Mikan to show her special attacks such as the “Sunrise Arrow.” As expected, Mikan becomes flustered that something bad happened to Shamiko as a result.

In the quest of Shamiko to become stronger, Shion comes up to Shamiko. It’s obvious that she wants to do experiments on her as Momo follows her. Apparently, the school let Shion to do anything since he has the best grades. Thankfully Momo kept her company and even took out her wand to protect Shamiko. The thing is, Shion wanted to experiment on Shamiko and Momo wouldn’t allow it. The only thing that is allowed is experiments on the Ancestor’s statue. Poor Lilith as she is subjected to some tests.

Of course, there is something Shion has to make Lilith stronger. Shamiko uses a mysterious clay to make arms and legs for Lilith. While it worked, Lilith couldn’t walk on two legs. She can walk on four legs, which shows how weak Shamiko’s magic is.

However, Momo made a cute doll for Lilith to control for a short period time. Lilith seems to like it since it’s easy for her to control. The thing is, Momo can control Lilth’s body with her magic. I guess Lilith’s plan to take over the world can’t happen with this body. Still, I have to admit that her new body is cute as Momo forces her to dance. As expected, Lilith says the usual catchphrase as she humiliates herself.

In the second half, Shamiko’s mother is excited that she has a points card that allows her to get free stuff. The thing is, Shamiko reveals that she also made a point card for Momo to get free stuff too. Not only that, she even cooks for her. This would give Ryoko a wrong idea. This makes you wonder what this has to do with what will happen next?
Apparently, the laptop Shamiko and Ryoko borrowed started to malfunction. It’s obvious that Shamiko is scared of how Momo would react. To me, I don’t think she shouldn’t be scared. Several episodes ago, Momo told her not to worry as she is able to fix it. After all, Momo is surprisingly good at fixing computers.

This can explain why Momo wants to hide the truth that she is a magical girl. If Ryoko finds out the truth, Shamiko would break her impression of her older sister. After all, Ryoko is a precious cinnamon bun and her smile must be protected. Still, I find it funny how Momo uses her wand to make the food more delicious.

In the end, after Ryoko finds out that Momo’s cat can talk, they told the truth. Surprisingly, Ryoko takes the truth differently and thinks that Momo is Shamiko’s subordinate. Mikan comes in thinking, Momo talks to her in private to have Mikan pretend to be Shamiko’s subordinate. Thankfully, Shamiko will make up for it later. After all, Momo wants to protect Ryoko’s bright smile. Still, is this a sign of Shamiko’s and Momo’s relationship getting stronger? Perhaps.

In the end, the laptop just simply overheated due to the room being hot. Ryoko is relieved that her personal data is safe. Still, I find it hilarious how Momo gave Ryoko a bunch of hard drives and servers to back up her data. Yep, it’s a scheme to keep Shamiko in debt. As expected already, Momo is really good at Information Technology.

Either way, this inspires Shamiko to learn more about Momo. Still, I find it funny how Momo stuck a photo of Shamiko’s Crisis Management Form in one of Ryoko’s books. As expected, Shamiko is embarrasses and curses Magical Girls out. Still, Ryoko thinks it’s cool since she looks up to her older sister after all.
ShamiMomo continue to shine as a wonderful couple to be. Poor Mikan though.
Momo is kind but not dumb as Lilith quickly learned.
Ryoko’s smile must be protected. That and she’ll become an incredible tactician in the near future. I wouldn’t mind having Shamiko as our ruler though she’d have to content with Satanichia for the throne.
It’s nice to see more ShamiMomo, especially now Momo and Mikan are apparently Shamiko’s subordinate. Eventually, Shamiko will find out more about Momo, hopefully.
Yes, definitely since she is a precious cinnamon bun. But it’s quite amazing that she knows how to use all that computer equipment, although Shamiko is probably more in debt now.