After Shamiko’s failed attempt to defeat Momo last time, she decides to do some training.

From last time, it seems that Shamiko is no match against Momo as she utterly defeats her. Sure, Shamiko has a good imagination of facing off Momo, but I think that she is starting to like her.
Sure, Shamiko becomes annoyed at Momo, but there are some signs that she is developing a crush on her. There are several instances of this. After a while, Shamiko doesn’t mind the nickname that Momo came up with. Not only that, she accepts a bottle with sports drink, which she returns. Momo even lends her 500 yen for the train fare. Shamiko eventually decides to pay her back in monthly installments. Moreover, in the second half, Momo and Shamiko ended up trading some food. From this, it’s becoming obvious that Shamiko is falling for Momo. After all, Momo finds Shamiko rather harmless.

Believe it or not, Momo is the weakest of all the magical girls. This is the part I don’t get since she broke the strength scales last time. When Shamiko and Anri went to the training room, Momo was lifting serious weights. At this rate, it’s probably more than what Machio can lift without having any visible muscles. That is the power of magic.

The part I find funny is that while Shamiko intended to fight Momo, she ended up running 4 kilometers with her instead. While Momo forgot about the fight, Shamiko almost too before she remembered it again. Sadly, she becomes completely worn out and decides to take the train home. The funny thing is that Shamiko fell asleep and missed her stop. This makes me wonder how she got home that night.

As for shopping for weapons with her increased allowance of 500 yen, it didn’t go well. First of all, Momo tags along with Shamiko and her friends. Second, Shamiko couldn’t afford any of the weapons she looked at. Lastly, her hunger and thirst got to her. In other words, she spent the remaining funds on food and a drink. At least Anri is happy that she was able to spend time with Shamiko. Still, it’s funny how Shamiko become upset at Momo after she finds a water fountain and accuses her of deception.

In the end, it seems that Shamiko’s ancestor doesn’t seem happy with Shamiko’s progress. From the looks of it, she will finally confront her while sleeping. Also, it looks like Shamiko will practice launching projectile weapons with Momo next time. Either way, this should be fun.
Poor Momo. So cute yet so pitiful. Thankfully unlike Satanichia her friends and acquaintances are all nice for the most part.
Loved the Dumbbell reference.
I guess staying out in the sun all Saturday can do that. Still, it’s surprising that she is not upset by it.