Now that everyone is back from vacation, Bocchi tries to talk to Kako again.
After the very eventful and emotional summer break, it’s time for Bocchi to continue her quest to make more friends. Before that, we see Sotoka’s apartment. Apparently, she lives alone, which is obvious since she moved to Japan to become a ninja. I find it funny how the other students become amazed by her aura. After Sotoka catches her fellow students’ attention, she starts handing out Shuriken origami. I find it amazing how she made so many of them.

Aside from that, Bocchi finally recovers from her big upset over Kai ghosting her last time. With that, she tries to talk to Kako again. Sadly, it doesn’t go so well the first time. After all, she needs to hand back the ribbon again. As for the second try, Bocchi makes funny motions in front of Kako. As any normal student, Kako wondered if Bocchi is making fun of her.

Yes, this big misunderstanding causes Bocchi to run out of the classroom while Kako chases after her. I have to admit that I kind of feel sorry for Bocchi and I don’t blame her. I find it funny how Bocchi runs while pretending to jump hurdles.

Kako eventually corners Bocchi. Bocchi eventually shows Kako the ribbon. It seems that Kako became disappointed that Bocchi forgot the ribbon when she wears it properly. Bocchi eventually tells the truth about not putting on the ribbon so she can talk to Kako.
While Kako agrees to talk to her, she eventually reveals that she can’t make friends with anyone because of her so-called policy. Kako believes that she can’t be strong if she starts making friends. It’s understandable in a way, but wouldn’t she become lonely? Maybe. Aside from that, Bocchi feels disappointed as she feels that she will never be able to fulfill her friend’s promise.

Either way, it seems that Bocchi is starting to get along with Kako. While Kako complains about Bocchi’s posture, at least she is making progress. Bocchi helping her clean the desks did wonders, although it sorts of washed away the questions that she wrote on her hand. Still, it’s nice to see that Bocchi learn a bit more about Kako. Hopefully someday, she can crack through that silly policy and become friends with Kako.

As for Sotoka, it seems that Aru reminded her that she hasn’t ask Bocchi if she can be her friend. I am surprised that Sotoka haven’t asked about this after all this time. Thankfully, Aru encourages Sotoka to become her friend. Although she is hesitant, hopefully she will ask her to become her friend soon. With Bocchi handing her a notebook, maybe we will see Sotoka prove her worthiness to Bocchi soon enough
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