From last time, Tae didn’t quite make it back on time to perform with Poppin’ Party. Obviously, she was upset. With that, she decides to do something about it that will make ChuChu angry.
From last time, Tae and Kasumi didn’t quite make it back on time since everyone left the auditorium. It’s obvious that this really upsets Rimi and especially Saaya. The surprising thing is that nobody blamed Tae because of this. Despite Tae wanting to apologize to everyone, her friends tagged along. What is interesting is Yukina’s reaction. She doesn’t seem mad at Kasumi or Tae at all, but instead at that girl who got angry at her. Yes, it’s ChuChu and given that ChuChu approach Yukina made it obvious. In other words, Yukina already knew why Tae was so late.

After apologizing to all the girls who helped cover for her, Tae makes her final decision. She told ChuChu in front of her face that she is quitting. However, she didn’t say that she was quitting because she wants to devote her time more with Poppin’ Party. She said that she wanted to quit because the lack of strength. It’s obvious that ChuChu really wants her no matter what. As expected, she was furious that Tae had the nerves to say being a supporting guitarist is a stepping stone. There is no wonder why ChuChu is unlikable besides the fact that she formed a band to spite Yukina and Roselia. She is like a spoiled brat.

Of course, Tae obviously told her childhood friend, Wakana Rei (Layer’s real name) and she understands. It’s obvious that Tae taught that her self-sponsored show will fail if she didn’t do something about it. Thankfully, Rei understands how Tae feels and wants her to return to her own band.

Aside from that, we learn about Rei’s promise she made with Tae. When Tae got back from music school, Rei didn’t want to sing. It’s because she doesn’t want to sound like a kid. Tae makes a promise with her shortly afterwards. Eventually, Rei’s family moved and Tae came to take her to their usual spot to play her guitar and sing together. After Rei saw Tae’s tears, she knew that she will come back someday. Sure, Masuki teared up after hearing Rei’s story, but at least we know the promise Rei made to Tae that led her to play music with RAISE A SUILEN, at least temporarily.

Believe it or not, Maya and Eve came to see the RAISE A SUILEN’s performance and saw Kasumi and her friends. It’s quite obvious that Maya and even Arisa and Eve seems to know a lot about the other three members of RAISE A SUILEN. Arisa revealed that she went to music school with Rei. Eve happens to know Pareo from her band’s meet and greets. Either way, the way Tae performed on stage surprises Kasumi and her friends. It’s evident after the performance that she felt down along with her friends.

With ChuChu trying to steal Tae away, this only makes Poppin’ Party’s existential crisis worse. Sure, Tae decided that she wants to quit ChuChu’s band to focus on Poppin’ Party instead. Now, Kasumi feels conflicted since she believes that her band can’t match the coolness of ChuChu’s band. Sure, Kasumi might feel conflicted, but Tae already made up her mind about quitting RAISE A SUILEN. Either way, I think they will pull through and ChuChu will have to find another guitarist. It’s quite obvious who it is.