Now that today is the last day of 2018, it’s time to reflect what happened this year.
As expected, 2018 was a mixed year. My job search continues to drag on without much luck. I was close to possibly getting out this situation with a job interview for a position in the federal government for a cyber security job, but it got canceled. In short, the endless job search continues.
However, I plan on earning more IT certifications to hopefully improve my chances and strengthen my credentials. First being Comptia Cyber Security Analyst I plan to take sometime in January. If that is not enough, CISSP Associate. I will keep trying until I land into another job in the federal government, hopefully dealing with cyber security or something I’m good at.

That said, not everything is lost. While I still receive assistance from my parents in the meantime and deal with my endless thyroid problems, my side business is finally doing well. As you might know, I develop open source software and receive donations. At least this shows that I am doing productive on my resume instead of being a NEET. Sure, DeNA screwed up MyAnimeList by removing the feature that makes third-party app works. At least it covers the hosting costs which not only hosts this blog, but also my business.
Still, I intend to keep the advertisements up on this blog. From learning through my difficulties of finding a job, it’s a good idea to diversify and be an entrepreneur. While the advertisements only bring in a few dollars a month, it allows me to potentially improve my blog in the future. Still, anime blogging should never be about money alone, but also the passion. If you chase after money only, there is a risk of selling out and burnout.

That said, aside from solving my job woes, my main goal in 2019 is not to only review more yuri and Girl’s Club anime, but finish that backlog. Throughout 2018, I started reading manga, mostly Manga Time Kirara series. Since manga is relatively cheap, I accumulated several volumes. Unfortunately, like my ever-growing video game backlog, my manga collection is seeing the same fate. Hopefully in the next year, hopefully I can work on reducing that backlog and start pushing out more manga reviews. The following is currently in my backlog:
- Comic Girls Vol. 2, 3, and 4. Anthology Vol. 1
- Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka Anthology Vol. 2.
- Hanayamata Vol. 6, and 7
- Stella no Mahou Vol. 4, 5, 6
- New Game Vol. 8
- Slow Start Vol. 5, Anthology Vol. 1.
- Urara Meirochou Vol. 4, and 5
- Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita! Vol. 1, 2, 3, and 4.
What I completed so far:
- Comic Girls Vol. 1
- New Game Vol. 7 (Review coming soon)
- Sakura Quest Vol. 1
- Slow Start Vol. 4
Note: I usually start where the anime stopped for some of the series.
While I have more planned for the blog, I won’t share them until February when the blog turns 10 years old. Yes, it’s quite surprising that I have done this for 10 years straight without any hiatus what so ever. That said, hopefully 2019 will be the year that things turn around. After all, Kaoruko haven’t given up on creating manga after receiving so many rejections. Perseverance is key.

“However, I plan on earning more IT certifications to hopefully improve my chances and strengthen my credentials. ”
Credentials certainly don’t hurt! I work in the computer security world, and heaven knows we need good candidates!
” If that is not enough, CISSP Associate.”
CISSP is still one of the best credentials. But let me give you a friendly warning: The CISSP exam was the hardest test I’ve ever taken. When they say to study, they are not kidding! But that’s why the credential still carries so much weight. It’s really worth it if you can swing it.
Also, you mentioned you’re a developer. The combination of software development skills plus a CISSP could work in your favor!
Good luck!
I forgot to mention that I have a Master’s Degree in Information Technology Administration and Security, but really the certifications are just icing on the cake since some government IT jobs require the person to earn one or have one, especially the Department of Defense jobs. When I worked at my first IT job, I had to earn a Security+ certification, which is easy since it’s basically everything I learned in college.
But the hardest part is landing an interview given how competitive the job market is. My thyroid problems didn’t help with the added anxieties in passing the interviews and it’s hard to make it pass the resume black hole. The thyroid part is getting treated since last year, but at least taking the certifications will at least keep my skills up to date. Hopefully I land in a position this year so I can have my life back and not have things sit in limbo.