It appears that Sophie cut her hair short. How will Akari react?

When Akari wakes up for school the next morning, her reaction when she saw Sophie’s hair is priceless. It almost looks the same as Akari’s. Akari wonders if she actually cut it. Sadly, it seems a good part of Sophie’s hair turned into ash. Still, I think Sophie looks cute with bobbed hair. Akari thinks so as she playing around with her hair. Thankfully, it grew back when the sun set. It seems that Akari prefers Sophie with longer hair.

The first segment is straight forward. It seems the shop where Sophie buys blood has closed temporarily. Not only that, she and Ellie ran out of blood to drink. I find it funny how Akari is willing to have Ellie and Sophie suck her blood. Sadly, they keep refusing for some reason and it’s quite obvious. They don’t want to suck blood of their best friend. Thankfully, Akari understood despite her desires. I guess she still has her imagination.

Even after trying to find a place to obtain blood with no results, they ended up enduring three days without it. I find it funny how they decided to pass the time by watching movies and anime. As you would expect, it made Sophie and Ellie hungry with blood showing up in and high school girls talking about food.

In the second half, Sophie and Akari takes a stroll together. They flew to a high school roof. I find it funny how Sophie learns the reason why Sophie and her friends don’t eat lunch on the roof. It’s off limits apparently. Still, it’s nice to see Akari and Sophie go to the place where they met each other a year ago.
Final Impressions
Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san like with most slice of life shows that involve school girls, it’s a very enjoyable show. While the series feel like Kiniro Mosaic with vampires instead, the characters are fun along with the obvious ship teasing here and there. The obvious pairings are Akari and Sophie, Ellie and Hinata, Hinata and Akari, and Sakuya and Yuu.
Still, it’s interesting to see how vampires actually live and breaking the main stereotype that they suck people’s blood. Of course, vampire stereotypes are played around with in a clever way. Yes, things such as turning into ash, counting rice/seed, the intolerance towards garlic and no reflection. Overall, the show will be missed given how enjoyable it was to watch. Hopefully, there will be another season, someday.
Another excellent Girls Club show 2018 blessed us with.
Best girl is Ellie. Most adorable is Hinata.
Season 2 is needed so that Sakuya and Yuu can get more snuggle time on screen.
Agreed, yes Hinata is cute, especially when she is around Ellie. But hopefully there will be a sequel someday. Of course, there are always the manga.