After cleaning up the living room on New Year’s Eve, it seems that Sophie need to do some more after a stack of boxes fell on her.
While Akari is asleep, Sophie tried to place her newly bought figurine into her collection. However, a bunch of boxes fell on top of her in the collection room. In short, Sophie with Ellie decides to help her clean up her collection room. Eventually, Akari and Hinata joins in. Eventually, they finished cleaning up the room and they celebrated with some pizza. A few days later, Sophie sold all the stuff she didn’t need to a shop.
A few days later, Sophie notices that Akari’s face looks flushed and her breathing is labored. Apparently, Akari caught a cold. While Ellie tries to find a cure for it, it seems that rest and warm liquids are more effective. Eventually, Sophie and Ellie decide to sleep in the same bed with Akari since their cold vampire bodies can help her recover from her cold.

It’s obvious that Ellie won’t be much help since she spent so much time reading manga. Still, it’s not so surprising to see Sophie’s piles of boxes fell down given how big her collection is. Believe it or not, she owns a good number of retro video game consoles, including the Dreamcast, the original Xbox, Game Boy, and a Mega Drive. She even shows one of those pagers, which are mostly obsolete. The funny thing is that Akari and Hinata doesn’t know what they do.

When Hinata found the Game Boy, she spent time playing with it instead of cleaning. The funny thing is that Akari happens to find a Furby. Apparently, she used to own one of those like any child would from the late 90s. Also, I find it funny how Sophie went to Japan to buy a copy of Super Mario Bros 2. Aside from that, she owns a Styrofoam piece that looks like Cactuar and the infamous Power Glove, it’s so bad!

Video game references aside, it’s quite amazing that the girls managed to clean up Sophie’s collection room rather quickly. This is without Ellie helping at all. Still, I find it funny how Akari and Hinata becomes so worried about Sophie’s cooking that they ended up getting takeout pizza. I guess Hinata’s fears over Sophie’s cooking from several episodes back haven’t receded yet.

As for the second half, it’s a rather cute segment. I find it funny how Sophie blushes off Akari’s cold as her usual behavior. Sadly, the tissue paper and her flushed face gave it away. Still, it’s surprising that they didn’t feed her rice porridge since that seems more effective with dealing with colds.

Instead, Sophie and Ellie use their cold vampire bodies to cool down Akari. As expected, Akari seems to like this a lot. Still, I am surprised that Hinata didn’t become jealous from this. Then again, she kind of wants to catch a cold so that Akari can take care of Hinata.
Very sad to see this show ending next episode. Really hope we get more seasons. Then again the same can be said for all the Girls Club shows of 2018.
Agreed, but hopefully we will see more in the future. At least there is the manga.