At last, the cheer association finally upgrades to a full-fledged club. Now that it’s a club, it’s time to do another cheer performance.
With Kana finally joining the cheer association, Kohane’s dream of forming a cheer club becomes true. When Kotetsu saw Kana’s full name, she seems jealous. However, you can also read her name as Hanawa (花輪/鼻輪), which means a wreath or nose ring. Oddly, Kana finds this name reading annoying. When Hizume assumes it’s joyous, she seems okay with it.

What I find funny is that Kohane doesn’t seem to know the difference between an association and a club. Hizume had to explain that a club has a room, funding and an advisor.
As expected, when Kohane hears the word funding, she gets all excited, except when she has to attend meetings. Believe it or not, Hizume wants Kohane to be the club’s president since she can give others a sight push to help them move forward. Given Kohane’s personality, I wonder how she will survive those meetings without resorting to begging for funding.

Somehow, Kohane decides to recruit Inukai to be the advisor. It seems that Inukai doesn’t want to advise the club since she is not experienced in cheerleading. I find it funny how Kohane gives her incentives to do it with the offer of tea. Eventually, she had to resort to blackmail with those DVDs showing her do interpretive dance. In short, Inukai changes her mind and immediately does it.

As for their assignment this time, the Cheerleading Club will cheer and perform half time for a soccer game. Uki seems unnerved by it since it involves her little brother’s, Akane. I find it funny how he almost has a similar personality to Uki as he is very resistant towards the idea of girls cheering for them.

After Uki tries to break the news, but fails to do so, on the day before the game, he goes on a rant about cheerleaders. He thinks they are a distraction since they flash their panties when they are dancing and being all flashy and stuff. I find it funny how Uki becomes annoyed at her little brother acting vulgar. In short, Uki blew her lid off and she is worried that Akane won’t show up at the game.

When Akane saw Kohane, Uki and others wearing their cheerleading outfits, he blushes. However, he got to witness them cheering on their team and eventually performing at half-time. After being so resistant, he seems to change his mind about cheerleading as his soccer team won. The way he thanks his older sister and how he reacts to Kohane’s teasing shows that Akane and Uki are quite alike in personality. Aside from that, it seems that the Cheer Club will have a training camp session. It might be obvious where this is going, right?
On the plus side, Kohane now knows the rules for filling out club membership forms. That’ll be useful when the ghost of the music room finally joins.
Uki in double uniforms looks a lot like Uki in her school uniform.
At least Kohane knows how to get all the funding she needs… and of course more members, maybe.
Not sure how to feel with Uki wearing two uniforms. Then again, Kohane kind of done the same thing wearing the uniform to bed and wore her school uniform on top of it. If that is the case, it must be hot wearing two of them during summer.
Not much to say about the Uki and Akane thing. It was what it was. Everything else was glorious.
Miss Inukai getting more to do from now on is wonderful and I already ship her with her colleague.
Uki and Ushiku were wonderful gays once again.
I also kind of want to see Inukai wearing a cheerleading uniform too, but it won’t happen obviously.
Still, it’s obvious now that Kana and Uki have their sights on their crushes.