Sports Festival is finally here. Of course, Touko seems to have plans for Yuu that she does not expect yet.
With preparations for the upcoming Sports Festival underway, it seems that Yuu didn’t get to see Touko that much. This is not too surprising since she is busy with meetings and such. When Yuu went into the sports equipment shed, I knew that something will happen given that a couple will end up doing something romantic there.

As expected, Touko shows up and she wants to recharge her batteries. In other words, she wants to kiss Yuu. That moment was nice and it seems that she wants Yuu to kiss her back. She promises her to do so if Touko behaves during the Sports Festival. The question is, will she go through with it? Yuu doesn’t quite consider her relationship with Touko as romantic. More on that later.

During the Sports Festival, it’s nice to see Sayaka greet Miyako and show her where to see the relay. It seems that Miyako now know what Sayaka’s crush looks like. Still, I find it funny how Miyako wants to taunt her girlfriend than cheer for her in the teacher’s relay. From the looks of it, it seems she got what she wants when she calls Riko “Ms. Last Place” while asking what she wants for dinner. I have to admit that her reaction when she saw Miyako is cute.

Aside from that, Yuu talked with Maki in the hallway talking about how busy Touko is. I find it funny how Maki thinks that Touko is lonely because she doesn’t have time for Yuu. I find Yuu’s reaction when she spits out the water she was drinking hilarious. While Yuu denies that she has feelings for her, Maki obviously knows that Yuu is in denial.
While Yuu admits that she doesn’t feel anything special, it seems that she wants to keep things the status quo with her. In short, she wants to be by her side and fall in love with her, but not return the feeling yet. While it’s interesting that Maki initially thought that he is the same as Yuu, he realizes that Yuu is lonelier than he initially thought from the face she makes. If only Yuu can fall in love, maybe she won’t feel this way.

Despite the Student Council only coming in third place in the relay race, Touko finally receives the reward she is waiting for from Yuu. Yes, a kiss from Yuu. Still, it seems that Yuu hesitated and decided not to cross the line. It’s understandable given that if Yuu starts kissing Touko, this would mean that she is in love with Touko. After all, a person who don’t love someone else back wouldn’t decide to kiss someone out of the blue. That would be like Tsubame deciding to kiss Midori when she doesn’t love her.
Then again, wouldn’t Touko asking Yuu to kiss her be hypocritical? After all, Touko does not want Yuu to fall in love with her yet her desire of wanting Yuu to kiss her would say otherwise. After all, a kiss is a sign of love or affection.

In the end, Yuu decides not to start the kiss, Touko decides to French kiss Yuu instead. While Yuu doesn’t mind, it seems that she liked how it feel. Even after all the kissing, she feels the fast heart beating. While Yuu assumes that it’s Touko’s, I have a feeling that it could be Yuu’s. Nevertheless, I think it’s only a matter of time until Yuu actually cross that line. Once she does, it will show that she is able to fall in love with someone. After all, Yuu can’t keep being in denial about Touko forever and then turn around and act like a couple by allowing Touko to give affection to her.
Miyako X Riko cameo FTW! Always nice seeing them.
Loving these interactions between Yuu and Touko with Yuu slowly falling for her while make sure she doesn’t cross THE LINE. Best of luck to her, yes.
From the looks of things Koyomi’s big moment is coming very soon.
Yes, it’s nice to see more of Miyako and Riko.
But yes, the interactions between Yuu and Touko is nice in this episode. Yuu almost crossed that line, before restraining herself.
But it seems that Koyumi might have the main character down in her script.
Riko and Miyako spinoff when?
Yuu was quite busy denying her feelings this episode.
I heard there are some chapters dedicated to Riko and Miyako, but I am not sure it will get adapted.
But it’s kind of getting hard for Yuu to deny those feelings.